Elysium Estate
A mid-sized, lore friendly home located near Whiterun for you, or with family and followers. Full of foliage, fountains, features to customize, optional displays, crafting and plenty more. Now includes voiced introductory quest!
Elysium Estate 5.0 is a mid-sized, lore friendly home located near Whiterun for you, or with family and followers. Full of foliage, fountains, features to customize, optional displays, crafting and plenty more. Now includes voiced introductory quest!
You can find an informative PDF guide for version 5.0 in the Files section. Below is supplementary information.
Spouse, Followers and Kids:
Hearthfire multiple adoptions – This mod allows you to move in your spouse and kids. Download this mod and install along with Elysium Estate. Enter the interior of Elysium Estate, and use the Book of Elysium – Interior to enable the kids room (replaces large followers room). Cast the spell “Bless Home”. Now adopt a kid and tell them to move into your new home.
My Home Is Your Home – MHIYH lets you move your followers into Elysium Estate. You can assign them work and sleep areas. Can work alongside spouse/kids mods.
Multiple Floors Sandboxing – This mod allows your followers to move more freely around home interiors. Highly recommended.
Automatic Storage
I don’t offer automatic storage in Elysium. I have never found a scripted version I cared for, don’t like the complication of bugs and losing items, and know that automatic storage isn’t for everyone. However, there are some mods below that work with Elysium Estate and will give you automatic storage…it just takes a bit of setup. I personally use Automatic Item Storage.
Automatic Item Storage
Assigned Storage
Please note if I don’t mention a mod here, it still may or may not be compatible…but I have personally tested the below mods. If I don’t list the mod you are concerned about, try loading Elysium Estate before or after the mod.
Noble Skyrim Mod texture overhaul darkens most of Skyrim, including Elysium Estate. Elysium Estate interiors are too dark when using Noble Skyrim mod.
The People of Skyrim Complete Classic Version – Load Elysium Estate AFTER this mod. Has a few landscape lines but nothing worth me patching. (Note that loading ElysiumEstate.esp before TPOS can cause crashes and major landscape issues).
The Great Forest of Whiterun Hold – Visit The Great Forest of Whiterun Hold Nexus page for information on load order when using with Elysium Estate.