Enchanting Tools Expanded
This mod adds three entirely new stations to the court wizard quarters in each of the 9 holds as well as provides a test cell (ENC_TestCell) for other modders to copy and paste and utilize these in their own mods.
Enchanter Tools Expanded
This mod adds three entirely new stations to the court wizard quarters in each of the 9 holds as well as provides a test cell (ENC_TestCell) for other modders to copy and paste and utilize these in their own mods. The three stations are:
Soul Gem Transmorgrophier:
This craft station allows you to combine smaller soul gems (empty or filled) into larger gems. It also allows combining 5 soul gem shards of one type into a petty soul gem
Disenchanting font:
The disenchanter can be used to erase enchantments from player created items. The process removes enchantments and all sharpening/tempering and does not work on pre-enchanted items. This should not be used on pre-enchanted items as this will clear the enchantment from all instances of that item.
Soul Extractor:
This station consumes enchanted weapons and provides soul gems equal to the maximum charge that weapon has. This does not work on armor.
Modder Resource:
These assets and system can be used in any mod project without my permission, simply let me know and credit me for it. To make this work in your mod, follow these steps:
-Simply strip all vanilla cell changes from the enchanting tool expanded ESP if you wish to not have the stations in
the wizard quarters.
-Merge with your mod
-Copy the stations from ENC_TestCell
-Paste and place wherever you wish
-You can delete the ENC_TestCell after you are finished but you MUST keep ENC_TestCell2 intact as there is a utility
NPC needed for the soul extractor to function.