Enchantment Cleanser
Don\’t you hate how that once-amazing enchantment just won\’t come off your best looking gear? Hi, Sir Reality here for Enchantment Cleanser, the enchantment remover specialist. Never again hesitate to enchant your items for fear of future obsoletion!
Don’t you hate how that once-amazing enchantment just won’t come off your best looking gear?
Hi, SirReality here for Dwemer Detergent, the enchantment remover specialist. Never again hesitate to enchant your items for fear of future obsoletion!
This mod adds a chest with button in Dragonsreach next to the Enchanter. Simply put in your enchanted items, press the button, and voila* – clean unenchanted gear, ready for enchanting anew!
*Please note the Dwemer Detergent takes quite some time to fully cleanse all items. It is also quite strong and will cleanse smithing improvements, and fingerprints off magic stolen items. The machine will notify you when this is done.
I’ve had to add every single possible enchanted item by hand, so there might be a few items missing, or some items which don’t improve/reenchant properly post-cleansing. if you find any, please let me know so I can fix it!
Supports Dawnguard via Patch
cleanses player-enchanted items
cleanses pre-enchanted items (which have a mundane counterpart)
cleanses Artifacts
cleanses Thieves Guild Armor
Cleanses Nightingale Equipment
Cleanses Necromancer Robes
Cleanses Thalmor Robes
Cleanses Shrouded Armor
Cleanses Dragon Priest Masks (breaks display stands, working on fixing)
What it does NOT do
Cleanse Hearthfire or Dragonborn items (yet)
Cleanse any items added by another mod – you need to request it in the discussion section!
Preserve smithing improvements or fingerprints – the Dwemer Detergent is TOO STRONG
Allow you to place the cleansed enchantment onto another item
Cleanse staves
Allow you to learn the enchantment
Priorities for next update (as decided by you!)
Update for DLC! (8/3/2013)
Add in any items I missed as requested
Bugfix any issues that come up
Fix Dragon Priest Bust functionality
Add more locations (in homes, possibly?)