Enderal – Myths and Legends Improved (English and German)

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Enderal – Myths and Legends Improved (English and German)

Ever thought the quest rewards were a bit underwhelming? This aims to fix that a tad.

Most of the mythical creatures don’t even drop anything, which is a bit disappointing for hunting them down. So I added/tweaked some things.

The Blind Miner
– No changes, drops a pretty decent axe.

The Steel Guardian/Watcher
– Axe is now lootable and worth some 450 pennies. As of version 1.1, is a new item, has been resized and re-balanced. If you have already killed the Watcher and looted his axe, you will need to add the new one with the console, as it is a separate entity from the giant version.

help “axe of the steel watcher”
Including the quotes. Two results will come up, it’s the bottom one. Then,
player.additem [insert item id here] 1

To avoid this step all together, remove the Axe from your inventory before updating to 1.1
If you have the old axe in your inventory, it is still there, just invisible now. So it’ll weigh you down 18 points.
Make sure to remove it with the console. (The top id from searching before)
player.removeitem [insert item id here] 1
If it’s in your storage chest, don’t worry about it, won’t hurt anything there.

The Ash Widow
– New loot! Added a unique circlet “Peak of the Ash Widow” which provides 70% fire protection, has base 9 light armor rating and is worth 300 pennies.

The Triceratops
– New loot! Added a unique Heavy Shield “Skull of the Triceratops” which is very heavy for a shield at 18, has a 40 armor rating and is worth 800 pennies.

Arvheldhiin the Wanderer
– New loot! Added a unique ring “Ring of the Wanderer” which fortifies carry weight by 15 and is worth 500 pennies.

Not part of the mythical creatures persay, but “The Dragon” drop is also pretty disappointing, so I boosted the values of the sword to be decent for around the time you should be able to bring it down, around the quality of shadow steel weapons.

The Boneripper (Unique Sword)
Increased base dmg from 14 to 30
Decreased weight from 10 to 8
Increased critical dmg from 4 to 6

All items use existing in game models.

Author: cat_woman1989
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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