This MOD is append Nordic Style food.
(Epicurism Of Skyrim.esp)
Adds new foods for the player to craft:
(by CookingPot)
Apple JuiceApple Preserve
Bandit SoupEnbarsdricka
Fried Egg Hunters Pate
Kase Spatzle Nordic Tea
Porigge Ratatouyu
Roast Chicken Sauerkraut
Boiled SausageSeafood Pie
Sernik Cheese Cake Snowberry Juice
Tea Royale Vegetable Omelette
KaseFondue (& one hidden item)
Pemmican is a portable(light weight) stew.
You can recook it, when you like.
Probably, it is help to playing “Frostfall”.
(by Tanning Rack)
Sausage Oatmeal
You can craft new foodstuff by Tanning Rack.
(Epicurism Of Skyrim_shop.esp)
Adds some new foods for the player to buy:
You can try it at various restaurants.
(It is especially at a stalled shop & CandleHearth Hall.)
Required file: Epicurism Of Skyrim.esp
Now you can use this mod with Realistic Needs and Diseases.
You must choice one main file set.
“Epicurism Of Skyrim_shopRNDpatch.esp”(ver0.3) has serious bug.
So I merged its functionwork “Epicurism Of Skyrim_RNDpatch.esp”(ver0.4)
Now you can play my MOD(RND.ver) only one esp file.
Please delete “Epicurism Of Skyrim_shopRNDpatch.esp”(ver0.3) from your disc.
Now you can remake Pemmican to stew normally.
(I had a bug for Pemmican items in ver0.3)
Now you(RNDusers) can buy new food item from NPC.
They sell it in street stall or CandleHearth Holl.
Some new food item are appended.