Extra CACO Compatibility Patches
Compatibility patches for Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul to work with Art Of The Catch, iNeed, iNeed&Moonlight Tales, SkyBirds, Undeath, ACE, Immersive Creatures, Vigor Combat and Injuries and Farm Animals.
Here are some compatibility patches for Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul.
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul (Version 1.2) by kryptopyr.
Available Patches:
iNeed Dangerous Diseases (and optionally Moonlight Tales too)
ACE – Combat Enhanced
Immersive Creatures
skyBirds – Airborne Perching Birds
Vigor Combat and Injuries
Art of the Catch
Farm Animals
No longer updated, use CACO’s official patches instead:
RND – Realistic Needs And Diseases
Frostfall 2.6
Frostfall 2.6&RND
Hunterborn&RND (Requires CACO – Hunterborn)
Frostfall 2.6&Hunterborn&RND (Requires CACO – Hunterborn)
Install it with NMM automatically, or paste the contents of the file(s) manually in your Data folder and check it in your load order.
Remember to put it AFTER the requirements, otherwise it’ll crash.
Optionally, if you are using many of my patches or CACO’s official patches, you should merge them all into one. Use the Merge Plugins xEdit Script.
Unnstall it with NMM automatically, or delete the files manually in your Data folder. It’s safe to delete in a savegame, as long as you don’t have any of the new added items in your inventory (See readme, it’s specified which items are added by every patch). If you have any of them, remove them from your inventory, open the console, target them by clicking, type “disable”, enter, and then “markfordelete”, enter again, save, and then uninstall.