Extreme Grass

Skyrim Mods |

Extreme Grass

I’ve waited for Dat Grass for so long that i made my own version. Hope you enjoy!

If you want dense grass then you came to the right place! I made my own dense grass mod after waiting so long for Dat Grass to Come back. It might be FPS intensive, but I have constant 60fps most of the time w/o ENB. I use a GTX770 2GB, 9GB of Ram, and an i7 2600k@3.4Ghz

To install:
1.Just install with NMM
2.In Skyrim.ini set iMinGrassSize= to 70-120 for better performance and 20-35 for best look

Does not require any other mods so enjoy!

BTW. I will probably not work on this because I only made this because I wanted Dense grass and there is nothing to fix. I might add some textures some time soon, but I don’t really know my plan for this mod.

Compatible with any mod, but if you are using different grass mods the grass will look different.

Author: TheDrDocter
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