Female Ulfric
This mod turns jarl Ulfric Stormcloak into a female.There are CBBE, UNP, UNPB, and SevenBase options available.
Also if loading an old save you will need to either wait for her inventory to be refreshed 3 days ingame, or use the resurrect command, to get her wearing new clothes and blonde hair color
She is fully voiced, with the original dialogue lines replaced by a fantastic female voice actress.
Thank You luviabloodmire for recording all 764 lines of dialogue!
Vivace Edition
There are now two options that can replace the appearance of female Ulfric with the appearance with Vivace by rxkx22. In the standard option, female Ulfric wears “Ritter Armor by NPR”. Or in the dragonbone option she will wear dragon bone armor.
Saber Edition
Additionally I have made an optional cosplay version thatturns Ulfric into Saber from Fate/staynight
My female Ulfric does not look like yours?
She will use which ever vanilla replacer mods you have installed for armor. But her hair and body / face parts should be completely self contained. If you have issues try using the resurrect command on her by hitting the ~ button, select Ulfric with the mouse, and type “resurrect”
Female Ulfric is not wearing new clothes, has black hair or something similar?
This means Ulfric’s new inventory has not been loaded by your save yet. Try going to an interior cell and waiting in game for 3 days. Alternatively, using the resurrect console command on Ulfric would likely fix this. Additionally, other mods that alter Ulfric’s inventory could cause this, and adjusting the load order should fix an incompatibility. In this case, FemaleUlfric.esp should be loaded last.
If you use hoftroopers immersive armors, you must disable heroic storm cloak armors in the mod configuration menu.