Field Alchemy
This mod is for the alchemists out there who would like to practice alchemy at any time during their travels.
Now you can create potions and poisons at any time as long as you have your trustworthy mortar and pestle with you.
Field Alchemy
Version 2.2.3
Author: MrJack
This mod is for the alchemists out there who would like to practice alchemy at any time during their travels.
Now you can create potions and poisons at any time as long as you have your trustworthy mortar and pestle with you.
This mod can be configured with SkyUI’s Mod Configuration Menu.
Those who don’t want to be forced to use SKSE can use version 2.0.0.
Skyrim ( or later)
SKSE (1.6.16 or later)
SkyUI 4.1 or later for MCM
Hearthfire for Alembic recipe
Should be compatible with any mods.
–How to use–
i)Acquire a mortar and pestle by exploring Skyrim, crafting or buying one from a vendor specializing in alchemical ingredients and potions.
ii)Once you have a mortar and pestle, open your inventory.
iii)Go to the Misc category and click on the mortar and pestle.
Alternatively set up a hotkey via MCM.
–How to install–
Copy the Field Alchemy.esp and Field Alchemy.bsa files into “SkyrimData” and enable the ESP in the Skyrim launcher or your favorite mod manager.
–How to uninstall–
Remove the Field Alchemy.esp and Field Alchemy.bsa files from “SkyrimData”.
Uninstalling this mod in the middle of a playthrough is not supported due to the nature of the game engine and save files.
This policy is in line with Bethesda’s stance on uninstalling official DLC during a playthrough as well as the modding community’s best practices.