Fiona Armor for CBBE v3 – NKT
Add Fiona Armor from Oblivion for CBBE.
This mod adds the Fiona Armour from Oblivion with a new version specially adapted for CBBEv3.Three versions colours are available: the regular, the black and the gold.
The bodies used for the armour is CBBE v3 bodies. But as the textures that have been released until now are compatible with all body mods, there shouldn’t be any problem if you use another body.
You can find the Fiona armour in Radiant Raiment, in Solitude
Include the light version without sleeves and shoes.
Version 3.0
– Add first person view
– floating boots are fixed
Version 2.5
– Boots fixed for sleeveless version
– Shops names fixed.
Version 2.0
– CK Integrated
– With sleeves
– Slim version
– Give a little more defence
Version 1.0
– Stand alone version.
– Tree color version.
– Add a “box”.
– Add a first person view
Version 0.9
– Base.
If it you first mod you have to add that line in SkyrimPrefs.ini located in My document/MyGames/Skyrim or something. Add the following line in [Launcher] section like this :
Then, extract the content of the archive into your data directory. Next, check “FionaOutfit.esp” in Nexus mod Manager or in Skyrim launcher.
To uninstall:
1. Start Skyrim launcher, click Data Files, .esp.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
Calientes Female Body –CBBE by Caliente
– Calientes Female Body –CBBE by Caliente
*Caliente for her beautiful CBBE
*R18PN 11 – Fiona Armor for HGEC