FNIS Sexy Move

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FNIS Sexy Move

Tired of all females NPCs moving the same uninspired way? All females? No, not even that. Because your Housecarl and spouse Lydia even walks like men do. Argh!

Now here is your solution: FNIS Sexy Move. FNIS Sexy Move will randomly select 1 out of 9 available walk and run animations for any female NPC that is in the area of the player. But you can also assign the different walks and runs in-game to your female player, and you have a variety of options via MCM or dialog to influence the settings, or specific NPCs.

And it will make female children always use the Skyrim vanilla female walk, even when you already installed a “female swinging hips” animation replacer.

Recent Change(s)
FNIS Sexy Move 7.1

Added 360 functionality for female players (player turns towards camera when walking backwards). BBP included for walk/run animations 5 to 9.
Added animation reset on player race change (werewolf, vampire lord)
Fixed a bug which prevented proper animation refresh after load, when another mod using alternate (FNIS 6.x) walk/run animations was added or deleted since making the save

To make use of the 360 functionality you need to install the optional “360 Pack for the Female Player”. As the name indicates, this pack would add many useless animations if you play as male.
The 360 animations 5 to 9 come with BBP (breast and butt jiggle) support. This is done mostly for compatibility with the Sexy Move version for SE, and for users still using BBP. However, it is recommended to use the HDT system instead.

Thank you so much, Storm Forge Gaming/mattyb89

All about the 360 pack (start at 7:20). Thank you SgtZodiac

Included Animations:
My special thanks go to xp32, dragonfly1024, gekkou1992, and Edoin/rickyrickylo, who gave me permission to include their great animation. Without that, FNIS Sexy Move had not been possible.

New Animation Pack by xp32
Victorias High Heel walk Animation plus BBP by xp32
by Dragonfly0124
Female running and walking animation by gekkou1992
Catwalk by Edoin/rickyrickylo

Please go to respective mods and endorse if you like their animations.

Recommended Animations (not included):
Animations out of these mods could not be included. They are recommended for a little more variety.

Female Animation Pack by NonokuraSan
Sexy idle Animation by Kamo1

FNIS (V7.0 or above!!)

Recommended (See “Configuration Options” -> “Replace walk/run animations”):
Female Animation Pack by NonokuraSan, for another well-made walk/run
Sexy idle Animation by Red3113/Kamo1, for a very sexy idle during dialogue

[NMM Installation
Goto the FNIS Sexy Move files section. Under FNIS Sexy Move V7_1 click “Download with Manager”. Say “Yes” when asked to “Overwrite?”
If you want 360 style animations for the player, install “360 Pack for the Female Player” the same way. Make sure “360 pack” is installed AFTER FNIS Sexy Move. Overwrite the file “FNIS_FNISSexyMove_List.txt”
In the NMM Plugins tab, make sure FNISSexyMove.esp is ticked
Run FNIS generator: see instructions for New Idles in Skyrim SE – FNIS
Make sure the following line appears in the generator’s text field:
Reading FNISSexyMove V7.1 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 18 alternate animations) …
or (when you use the 360 pack):
Reading FNISSexyMove V7.1 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 162 alternate animations) …

Configuration Options
Once you have installed FNIS Sexy Move, and run the FNIS generator (V5.1 or above!!), FNIS Sexy Move is ready to work. Just start the game (with SKSE) and notice how female NPCs are walking around you. And your player character, if you are female in 3rd person. But you have a variety of configuration options via MCM (Mod Configuration Management, part of SkyUI), dialogue, and modding.

MCM Configuration
Press ESC and click “Mod Configuration”. The following options appear:

Don’t use certain NPC moves (max. 3): if you don’t like some of the 9 available walk aminations, you can deactivate up to 3 here. Per default, the least sexy walk (vanilla female walk) is excluded
Average Move assignments: Per default, FNIS Sexy Move distributes the available animations evenly among all females. Less sexy for elder races, a little more sexy for all others. If you like the average more sexy, or less sexy, then you can configure this here.
Player moves 360 style: Lets your female player turn towards the camera when walking backwards (optional “360 Pack for the Female Player” is required! Don’t install this pack if you play as male. This pack has BBP support for moves 5 to 9, same as regular walk/run forward).
Player Movement: No surprise: here you can assign your (female) players walk/run animation.
If you completely want to switch off walk assignments for the player, e.g. because you use PCEA or animation replacers with directional walks (like New Animation Pack, or 360 Walk and Run Plus), then you choose “No Sexy Move (use default)”.
Armored NPCs less sexy: If you think that armored girls are not able to swing their hips that much, then you can set this here. But, by the Nine Devines, isn’t this a fantasy game?
NPC assignment dialog: NPC walk/run assignment is done via dialog. But in order not to spam the topic lists all the time, you need to switch on the dialog option here.
NPC walk assignments temporarily off: You can temporarily switch off NPC walk assignments, when you otherwise get into conflict with custom females that have problems with the Sexy Move implementation. Like female mannequin mods that are base on Hearthfire or custom mannequin definition (Note: Sexy Mannequins and Mannequins Look Like You are based on standard mannequins and will not cause problems). But remember to switch this option off again when not necessary any more. FNIS Sexy Move will show you a recurring notification to remind you.
No need to remember NPC assignments: FNIS Sexy Move will add “Sexy Coins” to the NPCs inventory in order remember the assinged animations when they leave the player area. If you don’t like these coins you can switch them off here. But then the NPC will have a new random animation when you meet her again, even when when you had told her via dialog.

Replace walk/run animations
This mod contains custom animations which I was allowed to re-distribute: 8 walks, 4 runs (and 2 idles). I couldn’t get permission for all I wanted (Female Animation Pack). And I wished there was a greater variety. But maybe there are more somewhere out there. Or some, adapted to your specific body/skeleton? Or you simply have a different taste what is more or less sexy. No problem: Replace the FNIS Sexy Move Animation with animations of your choice.

Just replace the files in data/meshes/actors/character/animation/FNISSexyMove. They are named fsm_mt_walkforward.hkx, fsm_mt_runforward.hkx, and _mt_idle.hkx, according to the following lists. As said before: 9 is most sexy, 1 is least (according to my taste). Note: from the name of the walk/run animation files is 1 less then the number in the following list. For example, the animation file for walk 5 is called fsm4_mt_walkforward.hkx.


Original female mt_walkforward.hkx
Cat1 – Catwalk (Catwalk – Normal)
Cat3 – Catwalk (Catwalk – Exaggerated)
NAP – New Animation Pack (New Animation pack v2013-1-8)
FRW – Female running and walking animation (Female running and walking animation BBP)
VHH3 – Victorias High Heel walk Animation plus BBP (VHH walk v1-3b LX – NMM installer)
VHH1 – Victorias High Heel walk Animation plus BBP (VHH walk v1_0c D-pack)
DF1 – Tender BBP, A New BBP Simulation (LL link see under “Included Animations” – optional walk replacer http://filesmelt.com/dl/walk1.7z)
DF2 – Tender BBP, A New BBP Simulation (LL link see under “Included Animations” – optional walk replacer http://filesmelt.com/dl/walk2.7z)

mt_runforward (some are repeated, because not enough animation are available)

Original female mt_runforward.hkx
NAP – New Animation Pack (New Animation pack v2013-1-8)
NAP – New Animation Pack (New Animation pack v2013-1-8)
NAP – New Animation Pack (New Animation pack v2013-1-8)
FRW – Female running and walking animation (Female running and walking animation BBP)
FRW – Female running and walking animation (Female running and walking animation BBP)
DF1 – Tender BBP, A New BBP Simulation (LL link see under “Included Animations” – optional run replacer http://filesmelt.com/dl/run1.7z)
DF1 – Tender BBP, A New BBP Simulation (LL link see under “Included Animations” – optional run replacer http://filesmelt.com/dl/run1.7z)
DF2 – Tender BBP, A New BBP Simulation (LL link see under “Included Animations” – optional run replacer http://filesmelt.com/dl/run2.7z)

mt_idle – only used during dialog (3: most sexy)

Swaying TBBP idle 4750
Tender BBP, A New BBP Simulation by Dragonfly0124
Tender BBP, A New BBP Simulation by Dragonfly0124

replace fsm3_mt_walkforward.hkx (CAT3, its a little bumpy) or fsm6_mt_walkforward.hkx (VHH3, similar/identical with NAP) with mt_walkforward.hkx from Female Animation Pack (Female Animation Pack 2013_01_01)
replace fsm2_mt_runforward.hkx (NAP, its used 3 times) with mt_runforward.hkx from Female Animation Pack (Female Animation Pack 2013_01_01)
replace 3_mt_idle.hkx (dragonfly0124, its used 2 times) with Idle 1 (mt_idle.hkx) from Sexy idle Animation (Sexy idle Animation)

Modder Level Configuration Options
NPC pre-set (“WhiterunSoulgem”): If you have a mod that adds a female NPC to the game, and if you want this NPC to use a specific walk (without having to assign it via dialogue), then you can as well put a gift into the NPC’s inventory: WhiterunSoulgem. Giving her any number of WhiterunSoulgem between 1 and 9 will make her automatically use the walk/run associated with this number (see above)

Uninstall as usual. There are no additional files generated (like in FNIS)

If you uninstalled “360 pack” but want to keep the main file, you have to re-install FNIS Sexy Move again.

Known Issues (and their technical explanation)
Females do not always switch their walks right away. FNIS Sexy Move is based on FNIS “Alternate Animations”. Their implementation is a little bit tricky, and require a sequence of a few events. And these cannot always be fulfilled right away. Solving it completely would require a lot of overhead, memory and cpu, which doesn’t seem appropriate for a simple mod like this. So if you see a girl walking with a default animation, step up to the girl, make her look at you, and she will be more than happy to swing her hips from now on.
Females loose their walks when their 3d is unloaded. The implementation of “Alternate Animations” has to be based on behavior variables. Unfortunately, these variables are not stored when an NPC looses its 3d. So when girls are “de-virginalized” by loading, their walk/run needs to be assigned again, and the previous issue (no switch right away) can happen again. But now at least the same animation will be assigned as before.

History (major steps)
2014/06/01 V1.0 . . Initial Relase
2014/06/09 V1.1 . . Fix the female mannequin issue, and player “No Sexy Move (use default)”. Added: 2 options, check for FNIS generation, “no sexy children”
2014/06/19 V1.2 . . Fixed game start bugs that caused several MCM issues, possible CTD on walk #6 assignment, and other minor fixes and improvements
2015/11/01 V6.0 . . Adapt to FNIS 6.0. Made Sexy Coins invisible, and removed their scripts.
2015/12/01 V6.1 . . Fixed several bugs (animation refresh after load, NPC move assignment via dialog, no initializing during Skyrim intro)
2017/12/27 V7.1 . . Added 360 functionality for female players, animation reset on player race changes

Author: fore
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