Followers can Relax
Updated Aug 9th: New behavior that acts just like Serena\’s following AI for all followers, in addition to the relax here command and the gather ingredient command
I added an update file for AFT. Just extract the contents of the .zip and replace your .esp with the new one. If you are not experiencing any problems or do not use AFT you do not need to bother with the file.
As always, if you do not see the conversation option “We’ll stay here for a while…” appear, save and load and it should appear.
The biggest feature of this mod is to be able to just tell your follower to stay in an area and just interact with the environment. They will wander around, sit, eat, even sleep if it is night and there is an unowned bed around. There is no time limit on this, unlike the default wait function. There are two other features at this time.
One is an ingredient collection AI package. The follower will look around an area (must be in the overworld) and collect ingredients for you. They will do this for 150 seconds before returning to you. When they return to you, they will still be using one of my AI packages. Tell them ‘let’s go’ and they will resume standard follower AI.
The other feature is similar to the first, except they move with you instead of just staying in a single area. This one is almost identical to Serena’s in the Dawnguard expansion and works just like it. They will follow you, but still walk around and do other things if you remain in the same area for a few moments. If you walk away, they will stop what they are doing and follow you again. Choose the ‘Stay close’ option for this behavior.
NEW Updated Sep 2nd:
I just updated the Serana patch, it was preventing standard followers from getting the relax dialog. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This is a patch file for Serana. You need the original Followers can Relax mod in addition to this one. Requires Dawnguard DLC obviously.
Make sure this one loads AFTER the original mod.
If dialog doesn’t appear after installing, save your game and reload. It should appear after that.
If you open this mod in the Creation Kit and save, you will need to use a utility to assign Followers can Relax as a Master again. I used Wrye Bash.
If you are bringing Serana on a quest she plays a role in, I recommend that you leave her in her default behavior. If you use my AI behaviors, she might not behave correctly in the quest.
Some changes this file makes:
1. It allows you to tell Serana to relax
2. It changes quest priority to 81
There is also now a ‘debug spell’ should you need it. It stops and starts the controlling quest and removes the follower from the utility factions I use to control dialog. If there are multiple followers set to relax, you will have to use the spell on them as well, because they will retain the utility factions; causing their dialog to be screwed up as well.
This mod is compatible with AFT, UFO, and just about any other mod.
Extract contents of compressed folder to a temporary location (ex, your desktop). Place the .esp file and .bsa into your Data folder in Skyrim folder (C: … \Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim). Run the Skyrim launcher and go to data files. Make sure there is a check in the box next to the plugin file.
Trouble shooting:
If the dialog does not initially appear, save your game and reload. This is a problem caused by the patch.
Uninstall versions 4, 5, & 6:
Go to your Skyrim Data folder (C: … \Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim) and remove the .esp file and the .bsa file.
Uninstall version 3:
Go to your Skyrim Data folder (C: … \Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim) and remove the .esp file.
Go to the Scripts folder and find ‘FollowerWandererScript.pex’ , ‘WandererAliasScript.pex’ , ‘TIF__010012C9.pex’ , and ‘TIF__01002DBE.pex’ and remove those files.
Uninstall version 2:
Go to your Skyrim Data folder (C: … \Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim) and remove the .esp file.
Go to the Scripts folder and find ‘FollowerWanderScript.pex’ , ‘WandererAliasScript.pex’ , ‘TIF__01000D66.pex’ , and ‘TIF__01000D69.pex’ and remove those files.
Uninstall version 1:
Go to your Skyrim Data folder (C: … \Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim) and remove the .esp file.
Go to the Scripts folder and find ‘dialoguefollowerscript.pex’ , ‘TIF_01000D65.pex’ , and ‘TIF_010048A2.pex’ and remove those files.