Fort Winstad
A village and Fort built up around Windstad Manor, from Hearthfire DLC.
NOTICE: Recommended that you build Winstad Manor before Subbing to the Fort.
Fort Winstad Features:
-Walkable perimeter wall with 4 Gated Entrances.
-Cleared out all the Dead, Ugly trees and Grass and Planted fresh Aspens and Lush Grass!
-LOTS of Landscaping and Backfilling to accomodate the amount of construction. As a result, the Marsh is now a Lake; Go for a Swim!
-Full Black Smith
-6 Guards on Scheduled Patrol (Eat, Drink, Sleep)
-Town Hall (with a Golden Throne just for YOU!)
-Guard House
-Ocean Breeze Pub & Rest
-3 Towers for Surveylance (and jumping off of into the Lake …) Lakewatch Tower, Swampwatch Tower & Mountainwatch Tower.
-Gated Lake Entrance
-Thriving population of NPCs
Upon purchasing the land from the Jarl of Morthal, the Dragonborn knew exactly what he wanted to do with it.
Starting by tearing up all the existing sod and trees, he tediously transformed the terrain from an uninhabitable wasteland, to the rolling, majestic village you now see before you.
Rock and Stones were in large supply, once the Dragonborn started dredging up the Marsh, so the Walls and towers were only a matter of labor, as the materials were readily available.
The wood and thatch for the buildings was also quite abundant having chopped down numerous trees and dried grass.
Finding Guards to secure the Fort wasn’t to be a problem, as Mercenaries around Skyrim are a dime-a-dozen. Give them somewhere to Eat & Sleep.. and Drink, and they’ll give you their life.
This Town is young, but it is growing. And thriving. And can provide Protection from the growing threat of Dragons unlike any other. “If you build it; they will come.” The population will flock to Fort Winstad in due time. And they will look to you as their new Ruler. For their lives may depend on it.
Hope you All Enjoy!
This has nothing to do with my Mod, but “Birds and Flocks” has known bugs with Windstad Manor. Be sure to get the Hearthfire Version of “Birds and Flocks”
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Do you built the Fort with the Workbench, like the Hearthfire homes?
A1: Nope. Once you sub, it is there.
Q2: Can you make it so you can craft the entire Fort ala Hearthfire?
A2: No, sorry. I don’t know how, and there’s too much else to do on the Fort.
Q3: Can you make it so we can choose the Guards Armor? Or have the Armor change depending on Allegiance within the game ie Empire, Stormcloak etc.
A3: No, again. I don’t know how.
Q4: My house doesn’t show up when I build it. Whats happening?
A4: You likely subbed to the Fort before building the House. Just a) unsub the Fort, b) Load from a point before you started building the home, c) Build home (I only had to partially build) and Hire Steward, d) Subscribe to Fort and Enjoy!
Q5: Fort Lakeview??
A5: Perhaps. I’d love to do it, as theres alot of cool things I could do with it, BUT its a lot of work to make these things, and a lot more work supporting them and building on them once I’ve up’ed it to Steam. We’ll see! Never say never!