Fountain of Youth – Beauty Project v1-5
Complete beauty solution for Skyrim\’s females.
Are you sick of old wrinkly looking default textures and gigantic caveman eyebrows on your Skyrim females? Not interested in making your females look all pixelly and over-sharpened like other face mods? Read on…
Fountain of Youth – Beauty Project
version 1.5
by Skree000
SPECIAL NOTE: TO BEST USE THIS MOD. Open console, type /showracemenu
This will allow you to remake your characters race entirely.
*** USE WITH CAUTION, RESULTS MAY BE UNPREDICTABLE, ie. Gender/Race changing, however I have been changing my face daily and my gameplay has not been adversely affected ***
Ongoing mod package that will transform vanilla women from hags into supermodels, one version at a time.
Changelog 1.5
Redid entire face texture with new software, smoother, cleaner, better
Redrew smoother eyeliner mask and lip masks for lipstick
All 11 brows now replaced, with 3 new ones added in.
Tweaked existing brows for positioning, sharpness, alignment
Lips now more of a realistic specularity.
Changelog 1.4
Lips redone and stripped out baked in spec which looked noisy and strange in some light conditions
Specmap now more intense around lips but darker almost everwhere else, while retaining ideal T-region highlights
Upper eyelids tucked into match normal map position to prevent strange ‘pokey lids’
Corners of eyes lightened to ameliorate the dark shadows
Softened entire diffuse map, was a bit too detailed allowing users to make out spots/blotches. Results
should now be noticeably more soft.
SK mask adjusted to reflect new diffuse map.
Tweaks to lip tintmask maps to accomodate rejigged lip size.
Changelog 1.3
Specmap tweaks, sparkles less prominent, lips, upper cheeks and T-region subdued. Undereyes less shiney,
was turning out super shiney on some eye/race combos.
Specmap to 1024 (was 2048 erroneously)
Diffuse map tweaked in T-region to reduce shiney-face, baked in reflections tamed from lips.
Normals tweaked to slightly reintroduce some slight crease at sides of mouth and nose, treading carefully, idea is to return a little
expression without the hag-face, still more to go here.
Changelog 1.2
Face texture boosted from 512×512 to 2048×2048, Specmap to 1024. Results are VERY dramatic boost
in facial realism!
Lip tint masks also adjusted to conform to the new lip shape
Small amount of pixie dust sparkles added to the diffuse for a little bit of glitter.
Changelog 1.1
Eyebrows 2-6, 8,9 and 11 re-sculpted and added, since 1, 7 and 10 werent too bushy
Previous release: Faces
This initial release contains replacements for almost all female faces (currently excluding cats/lizards and beasts for now). Normal, diffuse and spec maps altered.
Crows feet, laugh lines, undereye bags, brow wrinkles and ridges as well as those ‘permanent angry scowls’ have been softened if not removed.
Additionally all forms of blockyness have also been smoothened and painted over too.
NOTE: “Old/Wrinkly” face texture overlays were not changed, (so old women walking around town will still have old faces), but the default faces are now youthful and
Texture replacers for faces and eyebrows in DDS format
These files overwrite those located at \skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\
using the following filenames:
skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadbreton_lips.dds
skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadhighelf_lips.dds
skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadimperial_lips.dds
skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadnord_lips.dds
skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femaleheadredguard_lips.dds
skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\femalenordeyelinerstyle_01.dds
Unpack the included files to your \skyrim folder and it should automatically do the rest.
Bethesda for this awesome game!