FSC Character Presets
A collection of character presets for RaceMenu and ECE.
Either one of RaceMenu or Enhanced Character Edit is required to load the presets.
Install KS Hairdos for the same hair styles.
To get exactly the same result, a full installation of Fair Skin Complexion mod is required.
RaceMenu Preset Instructions
[ TLDR ]
Install normally, load jslot first, then import nif with the same name.
[ Installation ]
Install the main file via a mod manager.
[ Loading Presets ]
The presets support human and elf races unless otherwise specified.
1. Open the character customization menu by using ShowRaceMenu Alternative mod etc, or console command “showracemenu”.
2. Set the character’s race to the race supported by the preset.
3. From the Presets tab, use the “Load Preset” key and load the desired jslot. Wait until the skintone is fully loaded.
4. Optionally, if you’d like to add scars, do it here.
5. From the Sculpt tab, use the “Import Head” key and import the nif that has the same name as the loaded jslot.
6. Leave the Import Part Matcher as it is and select “Accept”.
7. Optionally, if you’d like to use different-colored eyes, select any left-blind eyes first, then repeat the step 5 and choose the eyes again.
ECE Preset Instructions
[ TLDR ]
Copy the CME_save folder manually, set race, load slot.
[ Installation ]
Manually extract the main file and copy the CME_save folder to the following directory. Before installing, make a backup if needed.
FROM: ECE Presets/(Race Name)/CME_save
TO: (Your Documents folder)/My Games/Skyrim/CME_save
[ Loading Presets ]
The presets support only the specified race.
1. Open the character customization menu by using ShowRaceMenu Alternative mod etc, or console command “showracemenu”.
2. Set the character’s race to the race specified by the preset (e.g. Breton race for Breton presets).
3. Go to the “Body” category and move the “Slot Load” slider to open the “Select preset or reset all. (1/6)” menu.
4. Select “Next” and load the desired preset on the “Select load slot. (2–6/6)” menu.
5. If the face parts such as hair, brows and eyes are not loaded properly, select them manually.
– Enhanced Character Edit –
– KS Hairdos –
Stealthic Khaos
– RaceMenu –