Fully Playable DremoraRace
Fully Playable DremoraRace that Makes a playable Dremora race that can become vampire and or werewolf like other races. adds more presets to choose from as well will special dremora attributes high health, magika, and stamina Regen
ATTENTION: I recommend Grimoas Dremora Customization
The mod gives more styling options to the Dremora race. You can use hairs or scars or both. Even have red eyes! Very awesome.
Making a mod is a loooong process with a LOT of complicated parts
and we need a lot of concentration and time to manage to do something
that we want to share with you 🙂 Player feedback helps. Please keep that in mind.
Playable DremoraRace that Makes a playable Dremora race that can become
vampire and or werewolf like other races. adds more presets to choose
from as well will special dremora attributes high health, magika, and
stamina Regen
Dremora are humanoid Daedra aligned with the
Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon, often very intelligent, and generally
hostile. They are rare in Skyrim, only appearing as summoned creatures
and in a few set locations such as the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon,
Shalidor’s Maze and Azura’s Star Interior.
Dremora are either
melee fighters or spellcasters, differentiated by their clothing.
Fighters wear specialized Daedric Armor and carry visible weapons, while
casters wear specialized robes and boots and carry unequipped melee
weapons and/or staff. The robes and armor are only for show and do not
appear as loot, while weapons are lootable. Dremora always drop a Daedra
Heart, making them one of the few guaranteed sources of this rare
Dremora are grouped into several different castes, namely Churl, Caitiff, Kynval, Kynreeve, Kynmarcher, Markynaz and Valkynaz.
*UPDATE v6.5
Resist Fire to 55%
Resist Magic to 16%
Resist Frost to -50%
Resist Disease 25%
Resist shock 25%
carryweight to 450
Soul Tap spell 37/25/25
Health/Magicka/Stamina set to half the regen rate
Dremora race now playerdremorarace and removed all spells from in game dremora
will look into female face markings
*UPDATE 6.0 Char Rebalanced; Fixed issue with Female Dark Elf; (6.0 Stable Version) *Also forgot but fixed it already to put dual Wield back on. So its a new 6.0 file if your download is not working just download this file again.
*UPdate 7.0 Patched for Dawnguard, hearthfire, dragonborn
*UPDATE 5.0 Rebalanced all skills and abilities. Fixed Armor/Items that were not appearing.
4.3 Made Dremora ally to other Dremora’s. Char is slightly taller and
spells have been rebalanced. Took off Telaportation and summon unbound
daedra because they don’t work correctly and re-added Telekinesis. Still
have not ben able to figure out how to fix some of the armor not
showing up. I know there is way. If anyone knows please let me know so i
can start working on it. Right now its just trail and error trying to
figure it out myself. 🙁
*update 4.0 rebalanced all skills and
ability to be more realistic. and Fixed “To Kill an Empire” quest where
it would not detect your race. Added new dialog/voice.
“THANKS goes to KOFFEKID for pointing it out to me ;)”
*update 3.2 Fixed spells and race tag. Added Race Ability Dreamora Wrath
update 2.9 minor fix added custom racepower
Now Playable Females
update 2.0
*Fixed 1st person view not showing hands,arms.
Added 2 spells
Teleportaion and
Addes 3 New Spells
127% Natural Regeneration to Health, Magic, and Stamina
Current Build 6.5 – 2 available versions Dremora Original and Dremora New Look(imperial Style)
New Style Diffrent Look For Dremora
Instead of the race being based of the darkelf race it based of the Imperial race.
Daedric Resistance(RaceDremora) <ablity)
Your Daedric blood gives you <110>%
resistance to disease. <50>% resistance
to Poison. <95>% resistance to Shock.
and <100>% resistance to Fire <33>%
resistance to Magic.
resist diease 110
resist poison 50
resist shock 95
resist magic 33
resist fire 100
weakness to frost 75
Soul Tap (spell)
drain health 66
drain magicka 666
drain stamina 666
telekinesis (spell)
Daedric’s Wrath (power)
ancestor’s wrath 1h
Hell Fire (power)
dragon breath 6666
Daedric Flames (spell)
flames health 66
Intense flames fear con.. 99
starting health 150
starting magicka 150
starting stamina 150
base carry weight 1500
Health Regen 35
Magicka Regen 60
Stamina Regen 80
Skill Bonus
Conjuration 50
Restoration 50
Destruction 50
Sneak 50
Heavy Armor 50
Speech 50
Blcok 50
Total 245
Non/Less OP
*Daedric Resistance(RaceDremora) <ablity)
Your Daedric blood gives you <55>% resistance to disease.
<25>% resistance to Poison. <52>% resistance to Shock. and
<50>% resistance to Fire <16>% resistance to Magic.
resist diease 55
resist poison 25
resist shock 52
resist magic 16
resist fire 50
weakness to frost 32
Soul Tap (spell)
drain health 33
drain magicka 166
drain stamina 166
telekinesis (spell)
Daedric’s Wrath (power)
ancestor’s wrath 5m
Hell Fire (power)
dragon breath 666
Daedric Flames (spell)
flames health 33
Intense flames fear con.. 99
starting health 150
starting magicka 150
starting stamina 150
base carry weight 750
Health Regen 16
Magicka Regen 30
Stamina Regen 30
Skill Bonus
Conjuration 15
Restoration 15
Destruction 15
Sneak 15
Heavy Armor 15
Speech 15
Blcok 15
Total 105