Gameplay Performance ENB

Skyrim Mods |

Gameplay Performance ENB

Generic, high performance ENB. Should look great with most weather mods.

This preset does not require any additional mods and does not include an esp of it’s own. It was made with only the tools provided by ENBSeries.

Download ENBseries 0.262
Extract d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe from the Wrapper folder in the ENBSeries archive and place them in Skyrim’s main directory.
Extract all files from this mod’s archive and place them in Skyrim’s main directory.

You can hit Shift+Enter at anytime and enable/disable effects from the EFFECTS tab of the GUI.

Make these tweaks to your SkyrimPrefs.ini. Located in My Documents>My Games>Skyrim.
These will almost always dramatically improve performance, fix shadow striping, grey bars and washed out colors.

-Main: SkyrimPrefs.ini

bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 Required for some ENB effects to work.
bFXAAEnabled=1 Softens jagged edges. Used in screenshots. 1 will reduce your fps slightly 1 frame or less.
iShadowMapResolution=1024 512 will give more fps but shadows will become blobs. 2048 is ideal if you can afford it.
fShadowBiasScale=0.1500 You can increase this to 0.2 or more if you see shadow stripping.
iBlurDeferredShadowMask=1 Set to 8 and disable the DetailedShadow effect to fix the shadows in eye bug and gain a large fps increase.
fShadowDistance=2000 Controls exterior shadow distance. Extremely CPU heavy, 4000 is ideal if you can afford it.
iMultiSample=0 Don’t use this. 2 or higher will have a huge impact on low end systems and break most ENBs.
iMaxAnisotropy=0 Sharpens the textures around the player. Not needed when using this ENB.
bTransparencyMultisampling=0 Makes grass, trees and other transparent textures softer at a noticeable fps cost.
fInteriorShadowDistance=2000 Same as fShadowDistance but for dungeons, houses, etc.
bTreesReceiveShadows=0 Allows trees to cast shadows. 0 gives a large fps increase.
bDrawLandShadows=0 Allows all forms of terrain to cast shadows. 0 gives a small fps increase.
bShadowsjavascript-event-stripped1 Disables grass shadows. 0 gives a huge fps increase but looks horrible at times.

Author: Scrabbulor
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Have you explored the world of Skyrim Mods? Gamers worldwide are enthralled by these enhancements that address a myriad of in-game challenges. To ascend to elite player status, the Skyrim Gameplay Performance ENB Mod might be your express ticket. Simply choose the desired mod file and integrate it seamlessly into your game. This unlocks unparalleled features, equipping you to manage game challenges more efficiently. Our site boasts an array of Skyrim Special Edition mods, you'll want to set aside time to explore at least a few. Every moment spent is worth it, as it catapults your gaming experience to unparalleled heights. We ensure every Skyrim mod in our collection is of the utmost quality and adheres to the highest standards. This guarantees that our users access only the crème de la crème of files. One of our standout offerings is unlimited access to a diverse range of supplementary files, equipping players with a competitive edge. If dominance in the game is your endgame, you must delve into the Skyrim Special Edition Gameplay Performance ENB Mod. It's transformative; you'll wonder how you gamed without these enhancements before. Why not redefine your gaming experience? Dive into our mods, and equip yourself with the finest tools, weapons, and functionalities on offer. Miss out? We think not. Make the leap, supercharge your game, and let your gaming prowess shine. Dive in without reservations, and watch your in-game world transform!

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