GG’s Markarth Farm LE Port
This is a LE port of GGUNIT’s GG’s Markarth Farm mod.
If there are bugs let me know
Credits to GGunit for making the original mod
Compatiblility (Taken from the original page)
Not compatible out of the box with mods editing the Salvius farm area for obvious reasons. Many mods editing Markarth Entrance aren’t usually editing this farm much though.
It may also conflict with mods editing navmeshes around both bridges since I’m editing navm there. A patch is provided in the Via optional version though.
(The patch is not ported and tested on LE yet)
Since I relesed Lux Via yesterday I was able to port the patched main file so if you want to use both please get the new main file.
Note about city overhauls:
I know even though the compatiblility implies it I have been on Nexus long enough that I know people will still ask, yes it is compatible with JK’s Skyrim and Dawn of Skyrim.
Note From Turtle:
This one is out becasue I got permission and are using it on my load order as the ports that will be coming out for the time been will also be.
Note from Turtle 2:
This is a lot lighter on FPS then it looks if you can run 2k in your game you will most likely be able to run this with a drop.
I thank you all for taking GGUNIT’s mod to the hot files
Is it mergeable:
Do not merge it as it has A LOT of things in it
Profile wide clean up:
Nothing to clean up