Ghosus Weapon Pack
Adds 18 new weapons in 32 variations and a shield to the game. Craftable at the forge, steel category.
I’ve quit modding and moved on to social work and game programming.
Cheerio and keep on playing!
This compilation adds a shield + 18 new weapons to the game and features 32 different versions (1h/2h).
Craftable at the forge, steel category. Optional Scabbard Addon available.
v1.3: Claidhem-More (2h) with scabbard added
v1.4: Thor’s Hammer (1h) and Warhammer (2h) added
v1.5: Green Arrow’s Bow added
v1.6: Tauriel’s Dagger and 1h/2h version added
v1.7: Aegis of Champions added
v1.8: Gladius (I= with, II = without scabbard) added
Copy meshes + textures folder and GHOSU – WEAPON PACK 1.esp to your …Skyrimdata directory.
The folder-structure should look like:
… SkyrimdatameshesweaponsGhosu – WP1 ALL NIF FILES
… SkyrimdatatexturesweaponsGhosu – WP1 ALL DDS FILES
Make sure that the plugin is active in your game launcher’s DATA FILES (it should be active by default).
You can craft the weapons (forge, steel items) OR add them using the console, open console and enter (example) HELP “GOLDEN ARMY” to display item’s code, afterwards – to add 1 piece to your inventory – enter PLAYER.ADDITEM code 1
If you want to change the weapon’s damage/speed or whatever, open Creation Kit, check Skyrim.esm and Ghosu – Weapon Pack 1.esp, set my mod to active (left button) and OK. If error messages pop up, just ignore/yes to all – that’s a common thing.
In object window browse Items|Weapons and enter GHOSU in the search field above. CK will list all my weapons, just open a form, edit dmg/speed/weight…, ok and save the mod. The original values are based on Daedric weapons, though mine are a bit faster = more damage.
Scabbard Addon (optional file)
A few people requested scabbards, i can offer you this little addon with adjusted vanilla scabbards for the swords – except the Golden Army one, because of the long handle a scabbard looks out of place / floats. If i add more weapons to this mod i’ll try to create new scabbards as well, this addon works with all versions and adds scabbards to the weapon’s of my first release. Just install the mod (main file) first and the scabbard addon afterwards.
Download&install the full mod, afterwards drag&drop the content from the scabbard addon archive to your …Skyrimdata folder to replace the old models and add the new textures.
In fact all new .nif files should be in …SkyrimdatameshesweaponsGhosu – WP1
And all new .dds files should be in …SkyrimdatatexturesweaponsGhosu – WP1