Girl’s Heavy Armors SE
This mod replaces some vanilla heavy armors for female.
Blades Armor: Armor, Boots, Gauntlets, Circlet
Iron Armor: Armor, Light Armor, Boots, Gauntlets, Mask
Ebony Armor: Armor, Ebony mail, Boots, Gauntlets, Circlet
Steel Armor: Armor, Light Armor, Boots, Gauntlets, Circlet, Light Circlet
Wolf Armor: Armor, Boots, Gauntlets, Circlet
Orcish Armor: Armor, Boots, Gauntlets, Circlet
Dwarven Armor: Armor, Boots, Gauntlets, Helmet
If you need a circlet of the same material, you can make it in the blacksmith forge.
(Wolf Armor set can only be crafted at the Skyforge.)
Most of the pictures on the top of this page use the aMidianBorn retexture by CaBaL.
But… Textures are linked with the vanilla version.
UNP(UUNP) or CBBE body meshes & textures.
aMidianBorn retexture by CaBaL (Blades, Iron, Ebony, Steel, Orcish)
Take the esp from the folder you want and put it in your Data folder.
Version 1.5.1 – Converted .esp file to form 44.
Version 1.5.2 – Fixed a crafting issue with Wolf gauntlets.
Version 1.6.1 – Dwarven Armor set added.
Version 1.6.3 -Updated CBBE body to SE v1.5
LE Version and Bodyslide data