Golden Rings Of Crafting
A small cheat item for those who do not wish to spend a couple of minutes doing the alchemy enchanting loop. Now with 33% more gold.
***UPDATE TIME!!! WOOT!!!***
We now have a new version, 1.2. Awesome right, it’s been a bit overdue but here it is guys. We have 4 rings now, and they’re all in one nice little esp. No need to worry about finding if you can have the 100% version but want to keep the 1000% version.
However, if you have a mod older than 1.2, you MUST follow the uninstall guide for your respective method. I’ve actually tried to see what happens and it involves buggyness with new rings, glitching and random crashing (Guaranteed crashing with bound sword).
(And A bit of a history lesson, because you’ll never need to do this with these rings)
A small cheat item for those who do not wish to spend a couple of minutes doing the alchemy enchanting loop.
For those who are unaware of the alchemy enchanting exploit, it works as follows:
You create a fortify enchanting potion to increase the fortify Alchemy enchantment and then making an even stronger fortify enchanting potion. Repeating this process will increase the enchanted items to a very high level. You repeat the process as many times as desired and thus the loop has started.
Anyways, moving on…
~What does this mod do?~
This mod adds a unique ring. The ring Fortifies Enchanting, Alchemy and Smithing by a set amount.
Comes in 3 4 Flavors.
10% | 100%
1000% | 10,000%
All Rings are now combined into the one esp.
Dragonsreach, on the table near the enchanting and alchemy altars.
~Installation (And Removal)~
~ Nexus Mod Manager Install ~
1 – Download desired main file with NMM
2 – Activate mod in NMM (It usually activates itself, but I’ve had a few cases where mods didn’t.)
3 – Enjoy the mod
2 – Deactivate the esp in NMM.
3 – Uninstall the Mod in NMM
~ Manual Install ~
1 – Download desired main file
2 – Extract files using winRAR
3 – open Skyrim launcher or Mod Manager
4 – Activate the mod
5 – Enjoy the mod
2 – Deactivate the esp in Launcher or Mod Manager
2 – Delete Ringofcraft.esp file
3 – Done
I originally made this as I was too lazy to do the alchemy enchanting loop and figured that many others are too. However, You could also use said ring as a stepping stone for even larger smiting or enchanting numbers.
If you like this mod please feel free to endorse it 🙂
Now go forth and slay some dragons.