Good looking Characters part II – Male Nord – Xyndrath
Save featuring a male nord.
Just at the start when you enter the Helgen Keep with Hadvar.
You can use the “showracemenu” console command,if you want to change some parts of the appeareace,
such as haircut,facial hair and the name ofcourse,it wont damage the save game because its the start.
The mods you need for the savegames to look like in screenshots(install them in this order):
For Males:
XCE – Xenius Character Enhancement
Better males – Beautiful nudes and faces – New hairstyles
PS.Only the optional “Underware – Default” file
High Res Face Maps for Men by Geonox
For Females:
High Res Face Maps for Men by Geonox
Beauty Faces for females
DIMONIZED UNP female body
CBBE By Caliente
Those are the required files for my savegames…
And if you wonder about the screenshot quality.
I use all the popular HD textures from Skyrimnexus,Nvidia SSAO with ENB HDR 1.8,with my own custom preset
and heavily modified Skyrim.ini file 🙂