Grace Darklings Ranger Armor V3
A Female only Ranger armor created with the Creation Kit.
Standalone/Craft-able/Temper-able/Chest in the Testing Hall
Get Your Ranger Hoods + Hair Here!
zzjay and Grace Darklings Hoods with hairs by zzjay and Grace Darkling
Update 25/01/13 – Added Stormcloak Version by Menathradiel
The Screenshots with the White Haired elf are Stormcloak Version by Menathradiel
The Screen Shots with the Nord are V2 (Standalone)
The Screen Shots with the Dark hair Elf are V1 (Replacer)
More Tweaks to come when I find the Time.
A Female only Ranger armor created with the Creation Kit.
Details (V.2)
The Screen Shots with the Nord are V2 (Standalone – Tweaked)
The Screen Shots with the Elf are V1 (Replacer – Original Version)
I saw some really nice lore friendly ranger armours but they were all for men, so i made one for the lore friendly gals.
Fully Standalone/Craftabe/Temper-able/+Chest in The Testing Hall
The base Textures i used are made with Bethesda’s “Hi-res Texture Pack”
All Maps retain Bethesda’s “Hi-res Texture Pack” Size, So 1k or 2K maps.
You should not see any perfomance loss with these Textures.
Colour Maps with no Alpha channel are saved as DXT 1’s
Colour Maps with Alpha channel and Normal maps are saved as DXT 5’s
As of Version 2;
Tweaked Textures
New Hood Textures
All Accessories Added
Buckler Added (Thank you VincentIcarus)
Craftable Under Leather (Armor Parts)
Craftable Under Iron (Buckler)
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to \skyrim\Data\Etc
4. Use the Skyrim launcher or Wrye Bash etc to check the mod is “ticked” in your mod list load order
or use NMM
1. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
Known Issues or Bugs
Non afaik. Let me know if you find any!
1.0, 20011/01/28 – Initial release.
2.0, 2012/02/09 – Main Release. Standalone/Craftable/Temperable/Test Chest