Green Water Fix
Maybe fixes “Zero Visibility of Underwater” problem.
Green Water Fix v2.0 Compatible
This mod makes visible some underwater which have the “zero visibility of underwater” problem.
Notice: If you don’t have “totally blind underwater” problem”, this mod do NOTHING.
This mod is NOT made to change underwater from blurry view to clear one.
This mod DOES NOT normalize “underwater”.
Only making it visible.
Original underwater blurring will be lost.
What It Does
Enable in UnderwaterImageSpace>Depth of field>No Sky
Load Order
1.Anywhere, in case of Vanilla.
2.After “Water mod”.
for example
Known Issues or Bugs
If your savegame doesn’t work with this mod, fast travel to far place several times.
And try console command “PCB” (Purge Cell Buffer) in interior cell, and after, fast travel to somewhere.
It’s for updating cell data.
This mod conflicts any mod changes “UnderwaterImageSpace”.
But enabling those mod’s “Depth of Field>No Sky” in CK by yourself, it’s all compatible.
When you do so, no need to use my mod. Make sure to deactivate it.
About “bDoDepthOfField” in “SkyrimPrefs.ini” in your “My Games” folder
“bDoDepthOfField=0” setting also makes underwater visible.
But you will lose your ENB settings of DoF.
And also it makes your underwater no color, and no blur.
So, I recommend you “bDoDepthOfField=1” when using my mod.
If you choose “bDoDepthOfField=0” setting, please deactivate my mod.
It doesn’t need any more.
Description for Old Version and Customizing
Name: Green Water Fix
Version: 1.0
Date: 3/30/2012
Category: Miscellaneous
Author(s): AltheaR
For those who have a problem about “Zero Visibility of Underwater”.
In Skyrim with 1.5 patch, I have a problem about underwater.
I can see NOTHING. Completely.
All is green. Only green. Sometimes white. And I drowned.
After a little struggle, I found a solution about it.
Some people seem to have the same problem, so I decided to share this esp.
This esp does:
Fog Property of Underwater
Value of “Near Plane” >(greater than) Value of “Far Plane”
I discovered this solution, but I don’t know why this can fix Underwater problem.
I hope Bethesda official fix for this problem is released soon.
If you DON’T have the “Underwater Green” problem, DON’T USE THIS MOD.
“Green Water” problem will occur.(vice versa)
For users of OpticShooter’s water mod,
Please load this mod AFTER “WATER – Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux”.
For example:
Make sure that you load my mod (GreenWaterFixForWATER.esp) after “WATER.esp”. PLEASE!
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)skyrimData
4. Start Skyrim Launcher, click Data Files, check GreenWaterFix.esp
1. Start Skyrim Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck GreenWaterFix.esp
2. Delete GreenWaterFix.esp.
Some “Water” mod changes Vanilla water property.
But I think it’s good to try putting my mod after them.(load order)
This mod’s fix is very simple.
So, for using your favorite water mods,
Known Issues or Bugs
This mod is NOT an essential(or fundamental) solution.
True color of underwater will be lost.