Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch

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Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch

The Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch makes the geese, pigs, sheep, and young animals from etayorius’ SkyTEST – Realistic Animals and Predators work with unuroboros’ Hunterborn without the use of the latter’s Taxonomy power. All of these creatures will provide an amount of meat consistent with their weight and ingredients appropriate to their species (with consideration given to size and age). In addition, bear cubs, deer fawns, elf calves, goat kids, and sabre cat cubs all provide smaller, less valuable pelts than their adult counterparts. All of these pelts can be processed at the Tanning Rack into appropriate materials such as Leather, Leather Strips, and Fur Plates.

Alternate versions of this patch are available with integrated support for kryptopyr’s Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul, as well as the “SkyTEST – Realistic Animals and Predators – Dragonborn” file (which adds boars and warthogs to Skyrim). In addition, all versions of the Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch include support for both Campfire – Complete Camping System (campfire cooking, fur plate) and Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade (crafting toggles, fur plate), although neither mod is required.

SkyTEST – Realistic Animals and Predators v1.4+
Hunterborn v1.5

If you use a CACO version of the Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch, you will also need:

Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
Hunterborn_CACO_Patch.esp (included with the Hunterborn Patches in the Hunterborn downloads)

If you use a SkyTEST Dragonborn version of the Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch, you will also need:

SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp (an optional file in the SkyTEST downloads)

The Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch should load after all of the aforementioned files.

Campfire – Complete Camping System by Chesko
Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade by kryptopyr
Wearable Lanterns by Chesko

Use a mod manager, or download the Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch, drag the contents into the Data folder, and overwrite when prompted.
If installing to a game where Hunterborn has already been activated, stop Hunterborn in its MCM, make a save, and completely exit the game (to the desktop). Then restart the game, load your save, and activate Hunterborn in the MCM. Please note that this will reset your progress in Hunterborn skill lines.
If you use a CACO version of the Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch (either “Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch v1.5 for CACO” or “Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch v1.5 for SkyTEST Dragonborn and CACO”, then a new game will be required for Hunterborn’s scripts to run properly.

Thank you to unuroboros (dragonsong) and etayorius for Hunterborn and SkyTEST respectively, and for both being very generous with their permissions and allowing other modders build upon their amazing works.
Thank you to Teabag86 for his valuable suggestions and feedback, and also for the excellent Hunterborn v1.5 update!

Author: DrMonops
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