Hunting Grounds
Do you feel a lack of Hircine-related mods? Are you in need of some relaxing gamehunting under the watchfull gaze of the greatest of the daedric princes? Well look no further!
This mod takes you to Hircines daedric realm called the “Hunting Grounds”. Here you can find a bosmer hunter companion, two new sets of armor
Name: Hunting Grounds
Version: 1.0
Date: 2/25/2013
Category: Items, Objects and Clothes
Author(s): Kewin568
v1.00, 2013/02/25:
– Initital release.
v1.01, 2013/02/25:
– Fixed filepath.
v1.02, 2013/02/26:
– Removes foxes, which makes the deers and elks docile.
– Changed the sky into a bloodmoon (while keeping the light and clearity, don’t know if better, willing to change)
It’s not really required, but without Skyrim Flora Overhaul Summer Edition you’ll be dissapointed in the overall look of the Hunting Grounds as I’ve placed different types of foliage that without the mod has different seasoned looks. Although this is just a personal preferance.
– The horn (which works like a portal device into the grounds) can be found on Hircines Shrine in Glenmoril Coven.
– The deer skull mask can be found infront of Hircines Shrine inside the hunting grounds, the place you arrive.
– Ernsts outfit and two variations of his hat can be found in his drawer, inside Ernsts shack.
– The Dragonslayer set is being held by the mannequin, although the set is not defaultly equiped to it.
Do you feel a lack of Hircine-related mods? Are you in need of some relaxing gamehunting under the watchfull gace of the greatest daedric prince? Well look no further!
This mod takes you to Hircines daedric realm called the “Hunting Grounds”. Here you can find a bosmer hunter companion, two new sets of armor and Hircines deer skull mask. As a bonus the grounds itself looks pretty amazing (Remember the requirements for it to look it’s amazingeztz!).
– A new companion called “Ernst Hoodway” (can you guess from which two names I got my inspiration?)
– The Dragonslayer armor set (no female version)
– Ernsts Hunting outfit, a remodel of Iorveths armor (no female version)
– Ernsts Hat, a Robin Hood hat lookalike!
– A new Icebucket mesh for modders (has no collision atm, cuz imma lazy boi)
– A new Hircine statue mesh resource (no collision, same reason)
1. Extract all the files to your ‘Skyrim\data\’ folder.
2. Start the Skyrim Launcher, click ‘Data Files’, place a checkmark beside the .esp file.
1. Start the Skyrim Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod. (meshes\KORs Meshes, textures\KORs Textures and last scripts\KORsHornTeleportScript)
2.1. If you have other mods that I’ve created, their files are most likely located in these folders aswell, so be carefull of which files you delete.
I don’t know of any possible incompatibility issues at this point.
Known Issues or Bugs
-There are clipping issues with some of the armors.
-There is no female version of the armors (and I don’t have any plans of implementing it at this point, there are enough female armors around already, hehe.)
Anyway, since I only play male characters myself, I really lack the skill in creating a goodlooking female version. If someone wants to create it though, they can upload it freely to the Nexus or better yet; contact me and I’ll add it and give you full credit!
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.
Thanks to the Nexus for this amazing site.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to L0rd0fWar for Iorveths armor.
You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that
you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.