Hunting in Skyrim – A Hunting Guild
Hunting in Skyrim is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that adds a Hunting Guild to the game, and completely overhauls the entire hunting experience. It features realistic animal skinning (like Red Dead Redemption), animal trapping, kill & stat tracking, new skills and abilities, new NPCs and locations, new dungeons, new weapons and more.
In its current state Hunting in Skyrim is release-ready but not feature-complete. What that means is everything in the mod is working to a standard of a finished mod, but is still being actively developed. This means things may be changed or tweaked, and new features added as development progresses. It is safe to use the mod as-is.
Hunting in Skyrim overhauls the entire hunting experience in the game with tonnes of new features. A new animal skinning system has been added, visibly removing the skin from the animal in the game (think Red Dead Redemption). Players can also set animal traps with lots of different bait options, with different regions of Skyrim and Solstheim (and Falskaar if you have that mod) offering different animal/bait combinations. There are also hunting challenges to fulfil, new skills and abilities to unlock, new animal variants, new dungeons and much more.
To start the mod features, select your Path of the Woodsman spell and cast it using the shout key.
Be sure to check back for new updates, and always back up your save game before use. Currently no quests are available.
Here is a quick list of what you can experience in the current stable version:
Two hunting guild locations, one in Falkreath Hold and the other in The Rift.
Realistic animal skinning
Animal trapping
4 new custom skills complete with awesome new abilities
Portable alchemy
Portable arrow crafting
Real fishing using a fishing rod (see videos)
Fur Hoods and Fur Hoods & Cloaks
Increased pelt/hide prices
Animal Dens (new dungeons)
Do not update to version 2.0 from 1.37, only use a clean save.
All Skyrim DLC is required for this mod.
Compatibility, troubleshooting, and frequently asked questions can be found on the troubleshooting page.
Always follow modding best practices when installing or updating this mod.
Also available for Skyrim Special Edition.
Many people along the way have helped me in various ways. Some helped when I was learning to code, others have allowed me to use their models or textures in my mod. A full list of credits and acknowledgements can be found here.
Hunting in Skyrim will be released for Xbox One when it is ready to be ported.
As a compliment to this mod, I recommend using my Hunter player home Woodsman’s Shack.