Immersive Dragons
A small mod with a huge impact on the proportions of the wings of dragons. Vanilla dragon wings are just too small to be able to realistically lift a dragon into the air. This mod enhances the skeleton to give dragons flight worthy wings! Guarantied to increase your immersion 101%
Hello fellow modders, I’m Rougeshot and I’m open to any feedback or constructive criticism you may have, but keep in mind that I have a full time career and am in college part time, so it may be a while before I can respond to any comments or questions you may have. Please be patient with any questions or concerns and I will respond as soon as I am able.
And if you enjoy the mod hit that thumbs up button so that your fellow modders will have an easier time finding this mod among the thousands of others.
Thank you so much for your support.
! ! ! Thank You Brodual ! ! !
! ! ! Featured as a Top Dragon Mod in GAMERANT!!!
I’ve been simply blown away by the Nexus community,
thank you so much for getting “Immersive Dragons” on to the Hot Mods!
If your like me and have been disappointed with the vanilla dragons, then this mod is for you. This mod replaces the vanilla skeleton with a custom skeleton that increases the wing size of vanilla dragons, to give them a wing size that could actually lift them into the air. This mod has kept compatibility in mind, dragon riding, combat and kill move animations should still work perfectly.
This affects all dragons which use the vanilla dragon skeleton in game!
Immersive Dragons uses a custom skeleton for the vanilla Dragons and will overwrite any mod that makes changes to the vanilla Dragon skeleton. Mods that make sweeping changes to vanilla skeletons e.g.”Realistic Ragdoll and Force” should be compatible as long as “Immersive Dragons” is installed after those mods and allowed to overwrite their files.
Should be fully compatible with any texture mods, since this mod contains no textures of it’s own only a skeleton. Which also makes it compatible with most other Dragon mods that do not edit vanilla Dragon skeletons.
Here are just a few that I know are compatible.
Immersive creatures – Compatible
Monster Mod – Compatible
Deadly Dragons – Compatible
Splendor – Dragon Variants – Compatible
Diverse Dragons Collection – Compatible
KS DRAGON Overhaul – Compatible
Typically any mod that resizes the dragons will be incompatible.
Here are the incompatible mods
Dragons Resized – Incompatible
[ [ [ INSTALLATION ] ] ]
Recommend using Nexus Mod Manager or your favorite mod manager.
Install my mod after any mod that makes changes to the vanilla Dragons and click “Yes to all” when prompted to overwrite any files.
There is no “.esp” plugin with this mod.