Immersive Weapons
Immersive Weapons seeks to drastically enhance the variety of weapons in the world of Skyrim in a lore friendly way. The goal of every addition is to blend into the lore, balance and feel of the game for the most immersive experience possible.
A Weapon Compilation Mod
If you’re seeking to enhance your Skyrim with a greater selection of weapons without breaking from natural feel of the game, this mod is for you. It adds many new custom weapons that have been seamlessly integrated into the world. The items are balanced and spread across your gaming experience. You will be finding new, power appropriate weapons starting from level one up to level fifty and beyond.
This mod will be constantly evolving to bring new life into your world. Currently this mod adds 230 new weapons! They are craftable, upgradable, enchantable as appropriate. They are integrated into the game through leveled lists, vendors, placement in dungeons and onto specific people.
Immersive Weapons contains many weapons, but they all fit into the basic weapon categories. All weapon category names are taken from real, historical weapons.
Weapons have 5 identifying statistics: Damage, Reach, Speed, Stagger, and Weight.
Unless specified otherwise, all weapons have the same statistics as the base weapon in their category.
Weapons categories:
Battleaxes –
Double Axe: +Damage, ++Stagger, ++Weight
Halberd: +Reach, +Stagger
Scythe: -Damage, +Speed, -Weight
Spear: –Damage, ++Reach, ++Speed, –Stagger, –Weight
Dagger –
Tanto: +Damage, -Speed, +Weight
Greatswords –
Changdao: -Damage, -Reach, +Speed, -Weight
Claymore: -Damage, -Reach, +Speed, -Weight
Dadao: +Damage, -Reach, +Stagger, +Weight
Daito: –Damage, -Reach, +Speed, -Stagger, -Weight
Longsword: –Damage, –Reach, ++Speed, -Stagger, –Weight
Nodachi: -Damage, -Reach, +Speed, -Stagger, -Weight
Maces –
Club: -Damage, +Speed, –Stagger, -Weight
War Pick: +Speed, -Stagger, -Weight
Swords –
Cutlass: -Reach
Katana: +Reach, -Stagger
Ninjato: -Damage, +Speed, –Stagger, -Weight
Saber: +Speed, -Stagger, -Weight
Scimitar: -Reach, +Speed, -Stagger
Wakizashi: -Damage, –Reach, ++Speed, *Stagger, –Weight *(No Stagger – same as Dagger)
Warhammers –
Battle Staff: -Damage, +Speed, -Stagger, -Weight
Quarterstaff: –Damage, ++Speed, –Stagger, –Weight
– Converted Immersive Weapons from SPIKE, to SPIKE – Virtual Edition – No more dependence on SPIKE.esm
– Removed Weapons with unfixable bugs: Blue Divide Bow; Draugr Club; Forebear Bow; Hammerfell Bow; Hammerfell Hunters Bow; Hammerfell M’kai Bow; Prince A’Tor Bow
– Added 7 new bows
– Changed to Crafting-Only: Pokeblade; Splitter; Bipolar blade
– Re-incorporated the Spearblade as Crafting-Only, by popular request
– Reorganized and re-balanced weapon distribution system
– Overhauled crafting/tempering/breakdown recipes & added missing ones
– Converted all Dragonbone weapons to Dragonsteel to prevent confusion with other Dragonbone weapons
– Incorporated a fix for the vanilla Skyrim Silver Weapon bug
– Limited Imperial soldiers to appropriate 1 Handed swords
– Limited Stormcloaks to appropriate Rebel weapons
– Removed all staff weapons from guards and soldiers
– Thresher Maul redefined & distributed as a weaponized agricultural implement (metal covered wood)
– Implemented a naming convention and standards for all non-unique weapons based on historical examples
– Implemented Nordic category on forging menu (incorporating Ancient Nord & Draugr equipment)
– Implemented An-Xileel War Bow for Argonians, Nordic Scrimshaw Bow for Nords and Valenwood War Bow for Bosmer to go alongside the Ornate Khajiit Bow, Orsimer Chieftain Bow, Colovian Composite Bows and Elven Hawk Bows as Racial themed bows
– Redistributed weapons among forging categories
– Added option to craft replicas of Daedric Artifact weapons (& other limited unique vanilla weapons) once the originals have been obtained
– Azura’s Moon now requires possession of Azura’s Star before it can be crafted
– Wabba Jackhammer & Wabba Jaxe now require possession of Wabbajack before either can be crafted
– Increased incidence of dual wielding enemies
– Fixed Crow Sword Scabbard NPC 3D Model
– Fixed various issues in weapon records (sounds, criticals, Impact Data Sets, etc.)
– Fixed various minor bugs/inconsistencies
– Got rid of the few dirty edits that were present in 1.3
– All staff weapons are used like warhammers, benefitting from those perks
– The battle staff and quarterstaff damage has been lowered to favour balance
– Staff recipes have been balanced, and the Steel Quarterstaff one has been fixed
– All exotic weaponry (and staffs, definately this time!) have been removed from all guards and soldiers, by popular request
– Exotic weapons have been taken from bandits
– Umbra is now renamed ‘Umbra Replica’ to satisfy lore confusion
– Fixed all weapon categories – for example mace looking weapons are all classed as maces now
– Fixed keywords on the few weapons that were causing them to be recognized incorrectly
– Added Dragonbone Battleaxe, Scythe, and Magic Staffs
– Added the Executioner Hook
– Added Several new bows from “Better Bows”
– New leveled lists made for guards so they will no longer carry staves
– Removed the Afterslash by request
– Removed the Spearblade by request
– Removed the Hammerfell Iron Sword by request
– Removed the text from silver weapons to enable seeing enchant effects
– Changed the silver weapon required smithing perk to Elven
– Fixed a few grammar mistakes
– Fixed perk related issues for some weapons
– Fixed some recipes that needed to be appropriate
– Fixed the Exotic Arrow projectile
– Added Quartertaffs for each weapon category, coutesy of JZBai, Fully integrated
– Removed “Slipcleave” by request
– Fixed the flipped normals on some weapons which caused bad lighting
– Fixed badly compressed normal map textures which gave a blotchy effect on some weapons
– Removed the Hammerfell Spears due to their poor functionality
– Added the Nordic Spear collection, 3 new weapons
– Retextured a couple of weapon to improve them
– Replaced the glass scimitar mesh supposedly causing CTDs, with the ‘fix’ from the WOT3E page
– Removed the Snake Axe based on user feedback
– Release
Q: I experience a CTD when scrolling through the forging Menu.
A: This issue is caused by your Graphics setup overloading. Try setting iTexMipMapSkip=1 under [Display] in your SkyrimPrefs.ini file or adding the line if it’s not there.
Q: I have the following NMM error:
A problem occurred during install
The mod was not installed
A: This error has nothing to do with my mod. This is an error thrown by NMM 32bit for all large files.
For 32bit NMM users, I suggest a manual install. My mod is only 2 files. It is easy to keep track of.
Go tell the Nexus staff to fix this. The best way to be heard is to speak.
Q: The download for this file on Nexus Mod Manager keeps stopping before it’s finished! Help!
A: This is a problem with the NMM program, and unrelated to this mod. Navigate to C: -> Games -> Skyrim -> mods -> downloads. Delete anything with the name Immersive Weapons found there. Also do the same for the cache folder found under mods. Now download again.
This compilation has been assembled by Ironman5000, Hothtrooper44, and Eckss.
Disclaimer: All weapon mods listed below are either part of weapon resource mods or permissions have been granted by the authors themselves.