Inferno- The Blood Marked
Forgotten through the annals of time an ominous being known only as the Ascendant seeks to spread its influences of evil. Journey to its kingdom of shadow and fight your way to its throne.
Will you rise above the darkness or surrender to the void?
Death awaits in this final installment as you journey into the realm of the Ascendant to learn of its origins and its evils. One last challenge to embrace, one last fight to conquer. Do you have what it takes to survive the Inferno?
This mod includes:
Main Storyline
Journey into a realm of mystery and intrigue as you battle through new and exciting enemies like never before. Includes custom items, hidden dialogue, and an entirely new soundtrack.
New Spells and Summons
Dominant your foes with over 30 new spells and summons as you master forbidden magic lost throughout time.
Enhanced Combat
Inspired by titles such as Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, and Dragon’s Dogma experience a level of combat never before seen in an Elder Scrolls title as bosses and enemies have been overhauled for a more action oriented approach. Please note that you will need to make use of Static Sprint and utilize the third-person camera angle to get the full effect of this mod.
IMPORTANT: This mod is extremely difficult and may not appeal to everyone. Use your best judgment before installing. Elements added through this mod will be considered overpowered by the standards of the default game. Not recommended for low-end computers and beginning players. If the mod becomes too challenging remember that the difficulty can be lowered (the novice setting is recommended for your first play through).
The one requirement for this mod is Skyrim (latest version recommended).
In order to compensate for both arguments (quest vs no quest) there is not direct quest that will be initiated at the start of this mod. However there is a map marker which will reveal the location on which you need to travel to.
If you are new to the Inferno series, Inferno: Envoys of End is a good place to start. The mod is available below:
Inferno: Envoys of End
This mod can be started by heading to the main area outside of Bleak Falls Barrow. There you will encounter a low leveled member of the Ascendant. Once defeated you will need to loot his body to find a journal which will point you to a newly added location highlighted on your map (by default the location is already added to your map for easy access).
IMPORTANT: If you do not have Inferno: Envoys of End (Advents of Flame or Reborn) installed it is highly recommended that you defeat the member of the Ascendant in order to obtain your first Xamnant. You will need to utilize these tomes in order to combat the enemies that await your journey.
This mod can be installed through the Nexus Mod Manager or downloaded manually and unzipped using an extraction program, which allows you to unpack files (WinRAR, 7-zip, etc).
Extract the contents of the file to a memorable location and either copy or drag the extracted folder (the outside folder called Data) into your Skyrim folder. Depending on how your game was installed the file will be in varying locations (if you are using Skyrim Special Edition the (Skyrim) folder will be replaced with (Skyrim Special Edition):
C: Program Files (x86) Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data
C: Program Files Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data
C: Games Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data
Do not forget to activate the esp using the Skyrim Launcher or Nexus Mod Manager. This mod should be placed at the bottom of your load order to prevent possible issues. To remove this mod and its contents you will need to deactivate and uninstall with the Nexus Mod Manager or manually remove:
IMPORTANT: If you choose to manually uninstall this mod then please refer to the Readme included within the file of this mod.
It is recommended to have a clean save as a backup in case of any issues that may occur before and after the installation. There are no scripts contained within this mod.
IMPORTANT: The navmeshing in this mod in designed to prevent bosses and enemies from leaving their perimeters. Followers should not be taken or spawned within the altar.
On occasion the default soundtrack will play when engaged against the enemies and bosses presented in this mod( all enemies and bosses should have a custom soundtrack). This issue can be resolved by reloading or waiting for the default soundtrack to end and the custom music to trigger.
Lights will sometimes flicker in the chambers when entering/exiting an altar. This is more of an inconvenience than an issue but should still be appropriately listed in this section.
Right now there are no other issues to be listed. If you encounter any additional issues please send me a message in the comment section or private message me and I will update this section accordingly once confirmed.
IMPORTANT: When installing pay close attention to what this mod is asking to overwrite. Inferno: The Blood Marked utilizes a variety of meshes from the default game that a majority of outside mods alter. This mod is fully compatible with Inferno: Envoys of End and Inferno: Advents of Flame.
Inferno: The Blood Marked is designed around the terrain include in the default version of Skyrim. Climate overhauls which remove snow and replace flora will interfere with the environments included in this mod. If you wish to get the full experience of Inferno: The Blood Marked it is recommended (not required) that you temporarily turn off any mods which replace the climate/flora in the default game. Otherwise results may vary.
Mods which tweak or replace the look of the magical effects/explosions within the default game may effect the visuals of the abilities included within this mod (the mod Electrify is an example of this).
Right now there are no other incompatibilities to be listed. If you encounter any additional incompatibilities please send me a message in the comment section or private message me and I will update this section accordingly once confirmed.
IMPORTANT: Inferno: The Blood Marked introduces new mechanics to traditional gameplay. It is highly recommended that you read this section, which highlights the changes that are introduced from installing this mod. Please note these changes are only applied to the attributes of this mod.