Katana Crafting
This Mod allows crafting Katana, Dai-Katana, Wakizashi and Tanto from materials; Steel, Dwarven, Orcish, Elven, Nordic, Ebony, Glass, Stalhrim, Dragonbone and Daedric.
Adds the ability to craft:
You can craft them from: Steel, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish, Nordic, Glass, Ebony, Stalhrim, Daedric and Dragonbone.
You need the appropriate perks for each material found in the smithing skill tree.
Katanas are of speed 1.125 vs. regular sword speed of 1.000 with -1 to damage.
Dai-Katanas are of speed 0.850 vs. regular great sword speed of 0.7000 with -1 to damage.
Wakizashi are of speed 1.225 vs. regular sword speed of 1.000 with -2 damage and -10% to reach.
Tanto are 1:1 to regular daggers except with reduced weight.
NOTE!, all the models use whatever textures you are using for your regular
steel, daedric, dragonbone, nordic, orcish, dwarven, elven, glass,
stalhrim and/or steel weapons. I highly recommend installing texture
replacement mods or other HD texture packs.
Just extract the contents of the zip to your: “…Steam/steam apps/common/skyrim/Data” so that the data -folder in the zip “overwrites” the data folder in your skyrim folder. Then enable the ‘KatanaCrafting.esp’ from your Skyrim launcher, under ‘Data Files’.