Lake Ilinalta Estate Reborn
Huge estate with re-textured exteriors, a lot of new meshes and textures and big attention to detail.
– Completely new massive estate interior with every crafting station you need
– 2 completely new interiors
– Exterior has been overhauled and re-textured
– Follower friendly
– Tons of new meshes and textures for unique feel
– Huge main estate with crafting room, dining room, servant’s room, kitchen, player room, personal vault and a terrace etc
– 2 new interiors, merchant ship and guest quarters
– Largely detailed exterior with custom made 2k textures
– A lot of new meshes and textures
– Follower friendly
– This mod only requires the base Skyrim game.
– There is no known incompatibilities, but ones that edit surroundings of The Lady Stone are 100% incompatible.
Mods to get near same graphical fidelity as in the pictures.
Reduces FPS substantially, recommended for high-spec computers only!
Remember to check for any required patches!
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Skyrim 2K Textures
Realvision ENB Full
Enhanced Lights and FX
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Real Shelter
Wonders of Weather
Q: Location pls?
A: Lake Ilinalta, South-West of Riverwood.
Q: How do I open the gate?
A: You can find the key to the estate at Ilinaltas Deep, second interior, there is a small room to the right near the start in which you can find a corpse of the previous owner. She won’t be needing that key anymore.
Screenshot of the key location
Q: Why is the file size so large?
A: Simple. It has all the textures and meshes that aren’t included in the base game.
Q: My FPS drops when I enter the estate exterior/interior?
A: Yes, this is a quite resource heavy player house mod, so you can expect that in some cases. To compensate, you could try: Skyrim Speed and Stability Guide.
Q: I found a bug!
A: Please report it here by sending a PM or in the posts section. (I may not answer)
Q: Any planned updates?
A: Yes. I have planned to make some NPCs populate the estate, that is why there is a ship and and guest quarters anyway. This might take some time though because Fallout 4 is at the door. 🙂
Q: I like the mod. What can I do for you?
A: Endorse 🙂 And don’t forget to tell your friends!
Q: How to install?
A: Download via NMM link and enable in NMM/MO or drop BSA and ESP in skyrim/data folder.
Q: Is it lore-friendly?
A: Not really. But I’ve tried to remain lore-friendly as I’ve made the mod though.
Q: Does it remove The Lady Stone or something else?
A: No. Only nav-mesh has been re-adjusted for the mod.
– Fixed some bad item placements
– Removed unused meshes and textures from bsa
– Fixed merchant ship
– Other small bug fixes