LiEyes – Eye pack SA
Stand alone 46 eye textures for all the human races.
Change log:
Optional v1.0 – adaptation to Ningheim Race by Novafoxay thank you very much
Main v1.0 – Released
This is my eyes mod pack, with 46 stand alone eye textures.
All created by me, most new few from my LiFE v1.1 mod.
I’ve planned to make it long time ago but in lack of free time as I’m studying mechanical engineering…
If I find time going to share some more skin tattoos I’ve been working on that you might seen in my images.
1)Open the archive.
2)Extract ‘data’ folder to you main skyrim folder.
3)Activate ‘Lieyes_v1.0.esp’
4)Use ‘showracemenu’ command in game to edit your character.
5)Enjoy and have fun
If you like it share some photos of your character by uploading it to this page.
Q) Does it add new eyes or replace eyes?
A) dear friend it adds new eyes, doesn’t replace anything, don’t worry, that is what Standalone means.
Q) Is this mod compatible with mod X?
A) Yes, its stand alone eye pack, unless any other mod uses the same folder (Lieyes) it comatible with everything.
Q) Where are the eyes located?
A) In skyrim\data\textures\actors\character\Lieyes folder.
Q) Can I use your eyes in my mod?
A) Yes, fill free to use them in your mods as long as you credit me, no need to ask me
Q) Can you share the characters in the pictures?
A) I would like to make them a stand alone followers, but lack in free time or knowledge needed to make SA followers,
if anyone would like to help me with it please contact me.
Q) Can I upload it to another site?
A) Please respect my will and DO NOT. I’ve made it for people of Nexus and would like it to remain here, where I can give support and answer questions.