Lind’s Elven Eyes
Adds about 40 new high-res eye variants for all elven races.
Short description & Other Works:
This mod adds about 40 (yes, 40) new eye variants for both genders of all elven races, they use their own masks and cubemaps. Screenshots are taken in Vanilla lighting with minor visual mods, so they should be very faithful colour-wise.
Standalone Robes:
Lind’s Standalone Pack 01
Robes Texture Replacers:
Robes of Vaermina
Black – The Warlock
Monk – Priest of the Divines
Green – The Bosmer Mage
Red – The Battlemage
Blue – Court Wizard
Brown – The Wandering Wizard
Grey – The Moth Priest
Necromancer Robes – The King of Worms
Installation, additional Infos, Etc.
The eyes textures themselves are 1k resolution to allow for screenarchery and extreme closeups, feel free to downscale them would you prefer a lower resolution.
I’ll do it myself at some point, but when I’ll do that I’d like to change the compression on some of them, and since that would be a bit of a tedious work, I’ll see how many requests for lower resolutions I get.
Be mindful that the colours may appear more/less saturated depending on your ENB settings. My own screenshots should be pretty close to the vanilla looks as I don’t use many visual mods as of now.
Manual installation:
Simply transfer the contents of the Data folder in my archive to your Skyrim Data folder.
Q: Is this mod female only?
A: No, it’s for both genders. However, there are 2-3 eyes which are female only.
Q: Can you release the character from [insert screenshot] as a follower or preset?
A: I’m afraid not.
Q: Can I give suggestion about some possible eye colours?
A: Absolutely. If I like the idea I’ll be happy to oblige.
Q: Can I Port this to SEE/XBOX?
A: I appreciate your interest in my work, but I will port my own mods myself in time.
The Eyes of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot as LogRaam
Who I thank for making his assets public, I wouldn’t have been able to understand how to work with eyes without using his work as example, I can’t stress enough the fact that this mod wouldn’t exist without his one.
Halofarm’s Poser.
GomaPeroPero’s Poser.
Aloe’s Poser.
Also huge thanks to Teylin and Agghgahd for the beautiful screenshots
Special Thanks:
to Mike G. , Timo L. , Angrylock , vintagelf, Geir J. R. , David T. , xCrmisonSky, Kevin R., Jessica R., Scott M., Denis I., Kiria W.
Thank you for your donations, it was unexpected, but I really appreciated it. (:
Please do not redistribute or edit/convert this file without my approval, not because I’m going to deny it, but because I want to know where my work ends up.
You can use these assets in any way you want as long as you credit me with a link to the original work.
For anything else, feel free to ask me directly, I always answer my PMs.
Thank you for downloading!