Lore Styles hair set
A small set of 7 new female hair styles.
It`s been some time since I last played Skyrim (7 months to be exact), and recently I came back to it. I also thought it might be a good idea to finish a mod I started making, and after some struggling with the CK, here it is – a simple, small, but hopefully pleasing set of 6 new hairstyles for your female characters.
They are –
– female only
– rigged
– brand new (not a port from another game), made especially with Skyrim in mind, with both meshes and textures made from scratch
– small and practical in size, meaning even less powerful computers could run it
There are some things you should keep in mind, tho –
– They WILL DISAPPEAR under hoods and helmets, as all hairs do. It`s the way it`s been programmed and meant to play. Otherwise, there would be a lot of clipping. Not pretty.
– I`m having no crashes with them, showracemenu opens smoothly (without any other hair mods installed).
And, finally…
– not sure if compatible with NPC editor or just being a n00b all over again
– could end up being a part of a larger set, god (and me) willing. 24 hours in a day + OCD = not good.
Sorry, guys. If you want, you can advert my attention to certain styles you think might be cool and lore friendly, but I`m making NO promises. It usually takes about 10 days to make 1 hairstyle, with the entire process of sculpting, retopology, rigging, tweaking, painting textures etc., and that`s when I spend my every free minute on it. So, what you get is what you get…is what you get. Get it?
– You are allowed to use them in creating custom NPCs and followers, but do not upload them within your mods. Please link back to this mod.
For some reason, these don`t show up in the CK head view when trying to add them to an NPC. Switching to full view, however, does the trick. I`m currently looking into that.
This was a great exercise for me in making 3D stuff (I`m an illustrator and concept artist, so 3D is something like uncharted lands to me), but I still have lots to learn, so any comments, suggestions, links to tutorials etc… are highly welcome.
There, that should do it.
Thank you for downloading and have a nice day.
Also, a cookie!*
*cookie not provided with this download