Lost Art of the Blacksmith
LAotB adds every missing armor and weapon upgrade to Skyrim. It also adds several missing forge recipes.
Lost Art of the Blackmith adds every missing weapon and armor improvement recipe to Skyrim. Useful crafting recipes for Silver weapons, royal armguards, lockpicks, work axes, and Imperial light armor are added as well.
This mod is lore-friendly, balanced, and should work with any language. The upgrades are determined by your smithing skills, enhancements, perks, and the base damage of the weapon.
LAotB can be enhanced with Smithing Perks Overhaul and Weapon and Armor Fixes by Headbomb. With all three mods, all vanilla weapons should behave consistently and with the same advantages of every other weapon in the game.
New upgrades for:
Dragon Priest Daggers
Drainblood BattleAxes
Drainheart Swords
Drainspell Bows
Falmer Supple Bows
Fine Armguards
Gilded Wristguards
Headsmans Axes
Honed Falmer Swords
Honed Falmer War Axes
Nord Hero Bows
Scaled Horn Armor
Shrouded Cowls (Maskless)
Silver Greatswords
Silver Swords
Skyforge Steel Daggers
Supple Ancient Nord Bows
Studded Imperial Armor
The Amulet of Articulation
The Diadem of the Savant
The Ebony Blade
The Jagged Crown
The Masque of Clavicus Vile
The Nightingale Blade (05)
The Shield of Solitude
The Shield of Ysgramor
The Tumblerbane Gloves
The Woodsman’s Friend
Thieve’s Guild Master’s Armor
Woodcutter’s Axes
Worn Dark Brotherhood Armor
Ulfric’s Bracers
Wuuthrad itself
New crafting recipes at forges:
Fine Armguards
Gilded Wristguards
Headsman’s Axes
Imperial Bows
Imperial Light Armors (inc. Studded)
Imperial Light Shields
Imperal Officer’s Helmets
Imperial Swords
Scaled Horn Armor
Silver Greatswords
Silver Swords
Woodcutter’s Axes
Extract the .esp file to your \Skyrim\data directory, and enable the file in your game launcher.
If you correctly installed the mod and your Data Files option is greyed out in the launcher, you will need to do the following.
1. Go to Documents\My Games\Skyrim
2. Open up the SkyrimPrefs.ini file
3. Look about half way down for [Launcher]
4. Add “bEnableFileSelection=1” to the bottom of that section without quotes and save the file.
The Data Files option should now appear on the launcher.
This mod will not conflict with other mods. If the same recipe is included in another mod, however, it may appear twice ingame.
In the rare event that you want to uninstall this mod, simply delete the ESP. Items that have been upgraded will not lose their improvements.
Known Bugs:
None! Go find some.