LOTR Epic battles Armies Mod (Lord of The Rings) WIP

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LOTR Epic battles Armies Mod (Lord of The Rings) WIP

Spawn Armies Instantly through spells, Create small/Huge battles instantly
Spawn different factions from lord of the rings creating epic battles instantly
Automatic spawns through spells no console commands
Spawn the Nazgul, Witchking, Undead, Urak-hai, Orcs/Goblins, Dragons, Elven/Gondor/Dwarf soldiers, Giant Spiders, Ents.

This mod lets you automatically spawn different factions inspired from lord of the rings & lets you create epic Army battles instantly. Automatic spawns through spells, no console commands.
Spawn the Undead, Nazgul, Witch King, Orcs/Goblins, Dragons, Giant Spiders, Giant Ents, Elven/Gondor soldiers, Fountain Guard, Urak-hai & Lord Sauron himself.

!!NO SCRIPTS!!! so its safe, not game breaking.

!!!IMPORTANT!!!! — I wouldn’t recommend trying to spawn spam everything at once. Go slow at first see how it goes and what your computer can handle.

Would like constructive feedback. What do you want to see in the mod? What can be improved etc. there definitely is some balancing issues I’m not a great on that stuff
**DoomxShadow** – while Sparky adds new content, I’ll be tweaking and making it as leveled as possible, my main aim is to make it a challenge at higher levels (after 50) on legendary difficulty as everything else seems too easy, but also playable at level 20 (you can reach level 20 in 2 hours of playing) still recommendations and Endorsements are very welcome.
Thanks for the feedback.

Tested mod compatibility added with “Wars of the Third Era LOTR” works fine.
Also with The Fellowship in Skyrim (works really well together)

The spells are located in the Whiterun.
Located in a chest behind the guard house below the steps in white run, near the entrance. They are in a numerical order as well as strongest Evil factions first to strongest Allied factions last, so they are at the top of the spells list under the alteration Tab. (Personally I favorite them for even easier access)

********RECOMMENDED MODS******
Pretty much any LOTR mod, too many to mention.
I.e. wars of the third era, The Fellowship in Skyrim, Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection

1. AMAZING FOLLOWER TWEAKS – to allow spawned factions to become followers (currently not fully compatible, still some bugs to work out)
2. DANCE OF DEATH: to disable enemy quick death on you and go through the awesome kill animations
3. DEADLY MUITLATION: to decapitate, dismember enemies, and churn through them quickly
4. ENHANCED BLOOD for the blood and gore, the way a battle should be

*********IMPORTANT NOTE********
•Lord Sauron’s armor files will not be included in the mod if it breaches TOS, nor information how to get them. However if you already have them (not that hard to find) you will be able to spawn him
(I will be looking to include an alternative ASAP)

*********Future Projects********
-The Dark forces of Mordor seem to be overcoming the realm of men. So I might add some extra factions. The army of the undead and work on Numenoreans, to help out as well as some extras also.
-Been saying for ages but I’m going to work on a video for the mod since it has gotten more popular. Really want to add my own Rohan helmets in the future & find some good model assets for Trolls / Balrog Summons.

Author: Sparky - DoomxShadow
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