Lvl 81 Dawnguard Vampire Lord
A savegame of my lvl 81 Vampire Lord, 90+% complete game.
This is a savegame of my lvl 81 Vampire Lord.
– Skyrim
– Dawnguard DLC
– Max level (81) character
– Race: Nord
– “Class”: Heavy Armored Marksman/Archer
– Vampire Lord
– No cheats used
– All skills 100
– 80 distributed perks
– Bunch of items/loot in home
– Breezehome as a mainly used home, hideout, loot container
– All major questlines completed
– Tons of side/misc quests completed
– All locations discovered
– All shouts unlocked and mastered (except one, read further)
– Civil War questline not finished/started, giving you the chance of picking a side in this war
What you will get in this savegame is a level 81 Nord Vampire Lord. Right from the start let me tell you that if you don’t want to be a Vampire I have initiated a quest to cure yourself of vampirism. Those that wish to stay as a Vampire then just ignore the quest or kill the quest giver.
All locations discovered (1 or 2 Dawnguard faction specific locations remain locked and are not visible on the map).
All shouts are unlocked and mastered (have all 3 words) except Slow Time shout. It’s missing a final word which is hidden in an unlockable Nordic ruin which you encounter during a Civil War quest.
Major questlines/quests:
– Main Questline completed
– Dark Brotherhood Listener ( Dark Brotherhood questline completed)
– Companions Leader (Companions questline completed, no longer a Werewolf (cured during Dawnguard quest))
– Thieves Guild Leader (Thieves Guild questline completed)
– ArchMage (College of Winterhold questline completed)
– Vampire Lord (Dawnguard DLC – Vampire questline completed)
– Daedric quests completed
There is a “bug” where i’m asked to investigate Bard’s College while i’ve already done that. Quest won’t go away. Same is with a misc quest to bring a dragon scale to Esbern. Quest won’t go away and Esbern also doesn’t really offer you the dialogue to finish the quest.
As already mentioned above, I have initiated a quest to cure yourself of vampirism for those who don’t want/like being a vampire. In case you wish/want to stay a vampire either ignore the quest or kill the quest giver.
Breezehome items/loot:
– Chest #1 –> Unique weapons and armor (including Daedric ones)
– Chest #2 –> Blacksmithing supplies (ores, ingots, pelts, leather …)
– Sack #1 –> Potions and poisons
– Sack #2 –> Soulgems and fragments
– Sack #3 –> Jewelry, gems, gold
– Cupboard #1 –> Wizard/Mage stuff
– Cupboard #2 –> Notes, journals, maps, letters …
– Dresser #1 –> Dragon scales and Dragon bones
– Dresser #2 –> Armor
– Dresser #3 –> Bows and ammo
– Closet –> Food
– Barrel –> Booze, alcohol
– End Table #1 –> Misc items
– End Table #2 –> Unique quest items, rewards, artifacts
– End Table #3 –> Weapons
– Apothecary’s Satchel –> Ingredients
I attached some pics showing where is what, just in case.
– During the last 25 hours of gameplay I deleted those few mods (Interface ones –> Read further) which I have installed and waited for 30 ingame days for the game to reset all cells and dungeons. This precaution should make this save perfectly safe and not buggy/dangerous.
The game was played on Master difficulty from 70th level onward. With current gear, enchanting and blacksmithing capabilities you should have no problem playing on this difficulty even if you haven’t played Master yet.
Gamestyle was an archer with heavy armor, sneak skills, some resistances and Avoid Death perk to make myself as tankier as possible while retaining the deadly damage.
Perks were chosen somewhat wisely:
– Full Archery perk tree (without 2 ranks in Steady Hand since it really gets troublesome when used in tighter spaces)
– Heavy armor right side of the perk tree (only armor rating enhancements)
– Magic resistance from Alteration perk tree
– Avoid Death perk in Restoration perk tree (just a “plan B” in case something goes wrong)
– Enchanting perk tree
– Smithing perk tree focused on Heavy Armor
– Extra Pockets perk in Pickpocket perk tree so you can carry more
– 5 ranks of Haggling perk in Speech perk tree so you get some better prices with merchants
– Golden Touch and Treasure Hunter perks from Lockpicking perk tree just so you get some more gold and treasures from chests.
– Sneaking perk tree 80% (3x sneak dmg with bows and silent movement, etc..)
If you want your own custom perks and not mine or in case you don’t want to play as an archer, I highly recommend Perk Reset. That mod will do exactly what the title says. For the cost of 3 Dragon souls (i’ve got plenty of them so no worries here) you can reset all your perks and get 80 free distributable perks to place as you want.