Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem
This simply makes the Skyrim emblem on the main menu spin 360 degrees every 8 seconds to help you appreciate the nifty emblem’s curves and reflections.
FYI, both the Original Skyrim files on this page and the Special Edition files are IDENTICAL.
Any of the files can be used with either game. Just so you know.
Skyrim Spinning Main Menu Emblem – Version 1.01 – February 7, 2012
I just made this mod for the fun of it. The main menu emblem is cool but I didn’t like that I couldn’t get to admire its shiny-reflective goodness since it didn’t move.
Hence, I’ve made it rotate 360 degrees every 8 seconds (now with 4, 8, 12, and 16 second version). Now you can admire the rotation as you start up Skyrim.
I also modified the normal map to add more bump and detail since I felt the original was too flat (and had some gradient issues also).
Pick which speed you want to use. Most like the 8 or 12 seconds versions. The video above uses the 8 seconds version. Then download one of the four archives.
Then just unpack the archive to your Skyrim folder or use Nexus Mod Manager.
This mod only installs two files: