Maryl Ningheim Racemenu Preset

Skyrim Mods |

Maryl Ningheim Racemenu Preset

a preset file of my ningheim based character maryl. this preset is a suggestion and hopefully a good basis for you to easily create your own handsome maryl character.

+++ please refer to my user profile about me page and follow my recommendations how to use my mods as an addition to nexusmods terms +++

a race menu preset file of my character maryl. maryl is designed for playing a more shy female character but she has all the abilites and the strength of the ningheim race. you will find many optional files in the katarina ningheim mod file folder and ohers here as link in my description.

if you want the body, eyes and teeth in the screenshots use my uploaded body, eye and teeth replacers.
some of my female presets using my cute fingers unp skin and additional mods

if you want the body, eyes and teeth in the screenshots use my uploaded body, eye and
teeth replacers (see requirements and recommendations). there is some work to do before getting the perfect preset settings.

YOU NEED THE FOLLOWING MODS and addons for full details and correct appearance (and of course credits to all modders providing the basis for my presets). if makeup, brows or eyes do not fit you can correct that with the racemenu sliders.

the ningheim race unp option (if you want the presets as in my images)
current race menu version
skse (most good stuff probably does not run without it)
ks hairdo’s renewal for the hair, hdt if you use the hdt hair options
stoja’s warpaints (essential for correct appearance of makeup/warpaints)
true eyes (you will find it in the katarina ningheim preset optional files)
true eyes ningheim add on
true brows (you will find it in the katarina ningheim preset optional files)
true brows ninheim add on
my ningheim cute fingers option in my cute fingers unp body mod is strictly recommended for a full detailed unp based character (just don’t use it on low end rigs)

for some of the addons have a look in my file options here or in my katarina ningheim preset mod files folder first. you may not find some of them in the nexus mod list anymore. if one of the listed mods is not available anywhere just let me know

be shure that no parts of the above mods are unintentionally overwritten by other mods!

recommended options if preset does not appear as expected:
i use unp body as my body base. if you encounter problems try this
as your body base for ningheim race! you may also enhance your npc and other races with my high res cute fingers body options.
i recommend my teeth replacer for ningheim and other races (better teeth for human races) or my first and slightly different version (see file folder katarina ningheim files)
if you do not use ks hairdos hdt option you my have to change the hair to a non hdt one in the racemenu.
same if you do not use stojas warpaints, or other eye or eyebrow options.

if something still does not show as indended check your modlist first. you
may correct some errors in your loaded preset if you change eye and
hair in racemenu.
in all other cases you may pm me or just leave a post with a description of your porblem.

installation of the preset:
– unpack and put the preset file in the folder data\skse\plugins\chargen\presets (if you use mo it also can be the
overwrite folder depending on your installation settings).
– open console ingame an type showracemenu
– select ningheim race female if not already set
– chose “preset” button in the menu and then the preset load button and load the desired preset.
– you may change and optimize the preset now. don’t forget to save it in a new preset and to save the game.

you may use newerminds katarina armor mod. you see parts of this armor set and sylva dragon jewels in some of my screenshots.

i added a maryl ningheim follower mod

thank you all and the modders of the listed mods above (including caliente for body customizer images) for making this preset possible and for you trying it.
endorsement much appreciated if you like the preset or you can use it as an inspiration for your own characters. thank you!

Author: xrayy
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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