Masters of Death – Rise of the Brotherhood
A standalone, craftable, upgradeable, light armor as well as a Dark Brotherhood variant that has replaced all the vanilla Dark Brotherhood armors. More to come!
For your gaming pleasure, I introduce a new light armor I have created: The Sicarius Armor is a stand-alone armor that is completely craftable through the Ebony AND Advanced Armor crafting trees. This was to allow for enjoyment no matter which crafting route you take. I am pleased to finally be able to release this armor that I have been working on for the past few weeks for you guys. It is available as an optional stand-alone .esp.
In addition, this now replaces the Dark Brotherhood’s Shrouded Armor with a variant of the Sicarius Armor. Now the brotherhood truly lives up to the prestige of a league of assassins. More Updates to come!
As is evident to many, I am sure, I drew inspiration from Assassin’s Creed: Revelations for the armor. However, I hand-painted every inch from scratch without the use of a tablet setup. (For those of you who texture, you know how tedious this can become). I appreciate any feedback from you guys and If you like the armor, please be sure to endorse and vote for me, as it helps to motivate me to support the mod and create future ones. It wouldn’t hurt my chances in the contest either.
For those interested in some of the nifty organizational features of Steam Workshop, I will be uploading the mod there as well. I am uploading first to Nexus, as I fully support everything this site has accomplished over the years.
2.1 – Added Optional Black and White variants of the Sicarius Armor.
– Updated and refined textures for the default Sicarius Armor.
– After consideration, I have lightened the brown Leather on most armors by approximately 40%. This was to account for the bad lighting in most in-game situations.
– Altered the wasteband to have a more even color balance, be less saturated, and appear more cloth-like.
– Updated Leather Cowl textures to match those of the +40% leather brightness tweak.
– More optionals on the way. The main files should be stable now, and you will not have to download new ones for a while. (Provided there are no bugs I missed). The Optionals will be offered separately.
2.01 – Resolved an issue that caused the Stand-alone version of the armor to replace the Dark Brotherhood armors despite the opposite intention.
2.0 – Added Dark Brotherhood variant as a replacer for all vanilla DB armors. The DB Robes were left in tact
– Added optional leather hood variant for the Sicarius Armor.
– Tweaked the original Sicarius Armor hood texture to fall more in line with the fabric on the cuirass.
– Resolved the issue with the female hands appearing with the male hand meshes. The bracers however are still slightly larger than they should be. I may or may not get around to fully resolving this.
– Minor tweaks, fixes, and optimization of the .esp files.
1.0 – Initial Release
Gopher has showcased this armor in his well known Skyrim Mod Sanctuary series.
The mod has been featured in MXR’s Weekly mod Showcase. Be sure to pay a visit to his youtube channel and check out all of his other work:
The mod was also featured in more detail in the following video created by ArsenalRobert, however the video is dark, and may be difficult to see:
I am still finishing up work on all the optional variants of the armor, and they should be made available shortly.
The file that was uploaded to the Steam Workshop is displaying invisible armor and invisible character models when equipped. I am working to identify the problem. It is Creation Kit related. Rest assured, the file available from The Nexus is functioning just fine.
1. Unpack the .rar into your Skyrim/ directory.
2. Select yes if a permission box pops up to overwrite any other texture and/or mesh files that may be floating around.
To Uninstall just delete the files pertinent to this mod.
Known Issues: None so far. If you find any, be sure to let me know.
– I’ll likely have other texture mods in the future, be sure to keep an eye out.
– I don’t mind others using my mod as part of their mod, but I would like to be informed of your intentions before I give the go-ahead.
IdealLogic – For his input on the color palettes.
Gromit84 – For his assistance in figuring out some clipping issues prior to the CK release.
Lord Haun – Maskless Nightingale hood models.
DarkRuler 2500 – For his German translations of the files.
Bethesda – For Skyrim and the Creation Kit.