Medusa Drakul armors and Thanatos dragon
This mod add 2 new set of High Resolution heavy Armor to the game(The Medusa Armor is Female Only and the Drakul Male Only) as well as a new dragon.
*Medusa Armor Defense Base Ratings:
The drakul armor has a “No cape” version located in data/meshes/armor/DrakulArmor/No Cape folder.Just copy the files there over the ones in the “DrakulArmor” folder.When asked to overwrite say yes(since I’m pretty sure some people will find the cape clunky without proper physics)
*Drakul Armor Defense Base Ratings:
*Where to find them
-In a guarded Locked Chest(you will find the key on the spider named Athena) located North east of Kjenstag ruins.(check the Map pic).
-To any forge assuming you have the Dwarven smithing perk for the Medusa armor and Daedric smithing perk for the Drakul.The armors are temper-able too.
*Thanatos Dragon Mod
This mod replaces Odahviing with a new High Resolution dragon.
It comes with two textures.The one with stripes is the default 1.But for people wanting a more classic look there is copper version.
there is folder named “CopperSkin” in the textures\actors\dragon\ folder.Just copy them over and overwrite when asked.
To install Just extract the contents(including folders) of this rar file into your Skyrim game folder.Comes with an esp file you can check and uncheck in the launch menu
The “Medusa and Drakul Armors.esp” and “Thanatos Dragonx.esp” MUST BE MOVED INTO THE “DATA” FOLDER of Skyrim so you will be able to check them in “DATA FILES” of skyrim launch menu.
*Term of Use
i don’t want any part of this mod being modified and/or used in other mods and games without my consent.