Mini Potion Mod

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Mini Potion Mod

The mini Potion Mod introduces variable potion weights to Skyrim. Stronger potions and poisons will weigh more, and weaker ones will weigh less. Most potions have been renamed for logical sorting, and some damage and restore effects have been rebalanced. Player crafted potions are now altered for better sorting.

Name: mini Potion Mod
Version: 3
Date: 2/25/2012
Category: Items, Objects and Clothes
Author(s): minispace

The mini Potion Mod introduces variable potion weights to Skyrim. Stronger potions and poisons will weigh more, and weaker ones will weigh less. Most potions have been renamed for logical sorting, and some damage and restore effects have been rebalanced. Player crafted potions are now altered for better sorting.

The mPM introduces variable potion weights to Skyrim. Stronger potions and poisons will weigh more, and weaker ones will weigh less. Typical range is between .14-.39. Weights for player crafted potions have been set to .2

The mini Potion Mod also renames most potions for logical sorting. Potion types are grouped together for easy sorting, and weaker potions are listed before

their stronger varieties. Player crafted potions have had their somewhat redundant “Potion of/Poison of” prefixes removed.

Some damage and restore effects have been altered in this mod–in general effects have been increased slightly. ‘Ultimate’ potions have been nerfed, however, to only restore about 265 points of health/stamina/magicka.

Future updates may focus on unifying common and crafted potion names, improving potion model selections, and adjusting potion gold values.

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Skyrim\Data\
4. Start Launcher, click ‘Data Files’, place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s).

1. Start Skyrim Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.

This mod will likely conflict with any mods that alter potion stats. Adjust your load order accordingly!

Version 32012/02/26 – More errors corrected; ‘Pestilent’ changed to ‘Pestilance’; Crafted potions altered to eliminate “Potion of/Poison of” prefix.
Version 22012/02/25 – All weights reduced slightly; Minor bug fixed
Version 12012/02/24 – Most potion weights reduced by variable ammounts, potions renamed, some effects altered.

Author: minispace
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