MoreHUD Inventory Edition
This mod brings some features from moreHUD into the inventory menu. From your inventory you can now see if enchantments are known by the player and other features. Also increases the Item Card size for mods that have long effect descriptions
moreHUD Inventory Edition for Skyrim
Compatible with Skyrim 1.9.32 and SKSE 1.7.3 and greater
If you would like to support me and inspire me to continue my work, feel free to buy me a coffee. And thanks for you support!
This mod brings some features from moreHUD and makes them available from your inventory, bartering, and container menus
The follow Items have been added to the Item Card in the inventory menus:
Known Weapon and Armor Enchantments
Books Read
Books Skills that are taught to the player
Resizes some of the Item Cards for mods that have very long effect descriptions
Shows items that are queued for iEquip (highly recommended!)
Enable or disable the different features by editing “/Data/SKSE/Plugin/AHZmoreHUDInventoryLE.ini”
1. This Mod Requires SKSE Version 1.7.3 or Greater found here.
It is recommended that you download and install with Nexus Mod Manager, Vortex, or MO2
If you want to install manually, install the following files to these locations:
Install AHZmoreHUDInventory.swf into the “/Data/Interface” and in “/Data/Interface/exported” folder
Install The SKSE plugin AHZmoreHUDPluginLE.dll into the “/Data/SKSE/Plugins” folder
There is NO papyrus. All of the code implementation is in the SKSE plugin and the SWF file that is included with this mod. Nothing is baked into your save.
Remove using your mod manual, or delete the files mentioned above.
This mod is completely safe to remove. There is no esp or esm. Nothing is baked into your save.
The resize feature will conflict with Legible Item Descriptions for SkyUI They mostly do the same thing, except this mods resizes the item card only where needed and still shrinks the text if needed, but uses its own resizing logic because the vanilla logic is broken for multi-line centered aligned text fields.
No other known compatibility, unless a mod modifies some property names in the Inventory, Barter, Container, or Item Card files. This mod dynamically loads the files required without overwriting any existing files.
This mod works with both the vanilla and SkyUI Inventory.
Known Issues
1. Some of the 3D items in the inventory may hide the extra data. Just rotate the objects out of the way
2. The Item Card resize feature does not work with 4:3 aspect ratios such as 1024×768, 1280×960 for example. A separate version would have to be created.