Morrowind Potion Names

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Morrowind Potion Names

Changes the name of potions to match their Morrowind equivalents.

v1.1 – Renamed all of the Thief’s Guild potions (Larceny, Keenshot, etc) to fall in line with the Bargain->Exclusive convention. Renamed some alchemical Magic Effects (Invisibility -> Shadow, Fortify Carry Weight -> Feather, Resist Attribute -> Attribute Resistance) so that player-made potions should jive much better with the new vendor-bought potion names. Should be the last version.

v1.0 – Added all of the Fortify Attribute, Element Resistance, and a couple of others (Waterbreathing, Invisibility, Carry Weight). I have decided not to rename the poisons for now, as Morrowind does not have a point of reference in this regard. I consider this “finished” at this point, unless someone sees something wrong, in which case, please let me know in the comments. I will do a review in the morning to see if there are any others that would make sense to rename.

v0.1 – Initial Release. Only Health, Magicka, and Stamina potions renamed. More to follow in the next releases.

This mod simply changes the name of potions to match their Morrowind equivalents, where applicable. This is for those who like the flavor of Morrowind’s potion naming hierarchy better than Skyrim’s. I’ve never been a big fan of EXTREME and ULTIMATE potions, myself.

An unintended side-effect is that the potion list is much more organized now (see screenshot).

The names follow the following convention, in order of ascending potency:
Bargain -> Cheap -> Standard -> Quality -> High Quality -> Exclusive

For example,
Potion of Minor Healing -> Bargain Restore Health
Potion of Healing -> Cheap Restore Health
Potion of Plentiful Healing -> Standard Restore Health
Potion of Vigorous Healing -> Quality Restore Health
Potion of Extreme Healing -> High Quality Restore Health (new name, since Morrowind only had a 5-tier naming system for potions)
Potion of Ultimate Healing -> Exclusive Restore Health

This is a name change only. The values of these potions have not been altered.

This mod will conflict with any mod that alters potions, which would include all alchemy overhaul mods. You have been warned!

Since this is such a simple cosmetic change, you do not need my permission to integrate this into your own mod. This is Morrowind’s naming convention, not mine. However, do not upload this exact mod to another website. Thanks, and enjoy!

Author: Chesko
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