My Dark Elf preset for Racemenu
This is a preset of my Dark Elf
Please read the description before installing!
As requested, here is one of my character presets 🙂
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended – XPMSE
[NSFW] Better males – Beautiful nudes and faces – New hairstyles
Fine Face Textures for Men
The Warded Man – RaceMenu Tattoo Plugin
Loks Eyes Standalone with and without glow
Astaroth Horns Redone – Demon Horns
New Animation for Magic Casting
Deer hooves and tail
Wearable Dragon Horns and Tails
Male Cleric Armor
How to install:
Use NMM or extract to your data folder.
Go into racemenu,
Set race to Dark Elf and go to the presets tab, hit F9 to load a preset.
Select the one called “Shiyozushi – Dark Elf.jslot”.