Narfi’s home restored
This small mod only restores Narfi’s house, should be compatible with everything.
Let’s face it, people: Narfi’s ruined family home is an eyesore in Ivarstead. Are the villagers so heartless, that they just let the poor fool live in a half-destroyed house? They probably are, since they even put a Dark Brotherhood contract on poor Narfi… But not anymore! The villagers (and I) had enough of that ugly house ruining the nice view. So they helped Narfi to make the house somewhat back in shape again.
Let’s get technical: nothing has been touched in all Ivarstead, except Narfi’s house, not even the navmesh. I just added some hay roofs, some wooden walls, beams and planks, a cooking pot, and some markers owned by Narfi. He should sandbox nicely in his home, hammering the walls, sitting on his new pelts, or warming himself over his new fire. He has a door too, so it feels more like he is in a real house, however everything remained exterior. I refrained from adding anything that would require adjusting the navmesh, so no new furniture for Narfi. I checked the screenshots of JK’s and Arthmoor’s Ivarstead overhauls and none of those seemed to touch Narfi’s house, so they should work together with my mod.
If you look at the house from far enough, now it is house-shaped enough to not be that much of an eyesore, as it was before. Or at least I hope, that’s the case. Even if Narfi somehow (ahem) dies, purely by accident of course, at least his house is in top shape now, and clearly is superior in every way compared to the rest of the village (lol). Jokes aside, if you catch yourself thinking like: wtf this is so ugly, why isn’t this as pretty as it can be? The answer is: it’s intentionally ugly. It shows the villagers not caring about Narfi’s well-being at all. They are like: just let’s be done with it as fast as possible, if it looks okayish, then it’s done, who cares about the rest.
Requires only Skyrim.
Credits: Bethesda Softworks