Natural Performance ENB
You are seeking a realistic and great looking ENB preset which also gives you alot FPS? Well, Natural Performance ENB is the thing you need.
Note: Brighter nights & interiors optional is now available. Also, all screenshots were taken with
normal settings, NOT max/screenarcher–settings ;).
I was using real vision( which is great, we all know that) but there’s was something missing for me I guess. I have a very good rig but despite the good perfomance indoors(60 fps) I was getting around 33 fps outdoors and decided to try your ENB because it looked very good and fps friendly. I could not be more happy to say that I don’t think that I’ll ever try another one, its just amazingly beautiful( in my taste much better than real vision) and OMG the perfomance. Thank you so much!!!=) — docreifer
I needed something like this to test, highly efficient (FPS jumped to almost 80) all effects turned on all the time 55-60 FPS, besides beautiful soft colors, good contrast, great interior lighting, use light and shadow Vanilla, together looks beautiful thanks, support — renthal311
You are seeking a realistic and great looking ENB which also gives you alot FPS? Well, you have come to exactly the right place. Let me introduce: Natural Performance ENB, an enb preset which aims to give a great look to Skyrim while keeping everything realistic and as performance-friendly as possible. Currently version 1.8, so no worries, alot of testing has been done to ensure that it works as clockwork.
– A great natural and realistic look, in towns, fields and in combat.
– Great performance, I’m running this with over 40 graphical mods and 4 years old mid-tier graphics card (7870 2gb) while having FPS well above 40, interiors 60+!
– A bokeh depth of field (DOF) which is non-intrusive and sharp even when looking at far-away places, while being FPS friendly!
– Customized weathers (vanilla, no esps needed) for even more immersive travelling. No longer can you go out without a torch on a rainstorm night. Clear weathers and daylight are much more visible during daytime.
– Many things fixed which were an issue in other enbs, such as: white mountains during night, black fog on mountains, glowing vegetation, eyes and waterfalls, hyper-white snow. Also this enb comes with a working Night eye!
– Realistic Subsurface scattering so you are actually able to see those wrinkles in old peoples’ faces.
– New cinematic brightness, which gives intensity to effects such as fireball explosions (impacts on player) or shouts and makes them look a whole lot better compared to other ENBs.
So you want an amazing, immersive and realistic looking game? Go ahead to files section and download!
Simple as heck, same as with every other enbs:
Note: Do not use custom weather mods (ELE = Enhanced lighting for ENB, ELFX-weathers, Cot = Climates of tamriel , etc.) as this mod wasn’t done with those mods. Sure, the enb works with the listed weather mods, but you may find nights being too dark, colours being off etc.
1. Download the lastest enb, v0.290. Unzip the folder, go to enbseries_skyrim_v0290\WrapperVersion\and copy d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe to your skyrim installation folder (even for MO users): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\
2. Download this mod from files section, unzip the folder, and copy everything inside (files and enbseries folder) to your Skyrim installation folder (same folder as in 1., where TESV.exe is). Sun textures go to Data\textures\sky\
3. Check that you have these settings set to these values:
bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 , bDeferredShadows=1 , bDrawShadows=1 , bTreesReceiveShadows=1 , bDrawLandShadows=1 , bShadowsjavascript-event-stripped1, fGamma=1.0000 , iMultiSample=0 , iMaxAnisotropy=1 and bFXAAEnabled=0 under [Display] section and bDoDepthOfField=1 under [Imagespace] in your SkyrimPrefs.ini. The file can be found: C:\Users\YYYY\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\ or for Mod Organizer users: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer\profiles\ZZZZ\
If you downloaded optional files (such as brighter nights or more FPS), unzip them and copy their contents to Skyrim installation folder (overwrite).
Requirements (mod list) in load & install order: This mod was done to go along the following mods. Sure, it works even without these, but may look very different, odd colours etc. if you don’t have the following mods:
– Skyrim particle patch (ALL-IN-ONE) and subsurface scattering patch
– ELFX (install with elfxenhancer, but don’t install elfx-weathers. If you use Static mesh improvement mod, install also: ELFX SMIM patch
– Remove interior fog
– Revamped exterior fog
Highly recommended:
– Wearable lanterns (!) and its plugins made by other authors.
– True storms
– Realistic water two
Other mods I use:
– SMIM, Performance hi-res DLC optimized textures, 2k HD LITE textures, NobleSkyrimMod full pack performance edition, The Ruffled feather (ice textures and dynamic snow), Skyrim flora overhaul (*), Unbeliveable grass two, aMidianBorn Book of Silence (*), Total Character Makeover (*)
The list is long but these are the most noticeable ones. (*) means I have reduced the texture and normal sizes to half with ddsopt or optimizertextures.
Thanks and credits
Ewi65 for amazing sun textures
Matso for depth of field
Also remember to endorse the mods you have downloaded, especially those listed in here!