No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu

Skyrim Mods |

No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu

Thanks to my mod can rest/wait without interruptions up to 744 hours (31 days).

**NOTICE 1**: the development of the mod was suspended from October 2012 ( Reason )……
**NOTICE 2**: the development of the mod was resumed (for now -_-) from November 2015 … Yes, I’m back 🙂 .
My economic condition has deteriorated, but I do not like things remain unfinished … and then let me borrow a pc on which I could run Skyrim 🙂 .

DESCRIPTION ===================================================================================================================================
GAME:Wait how long?/Rest how long?
PLAYER:14 Days……. -__-
PLAYER:SET 24 hours >> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:Push WAIT keyboard button/Click on BED >>> SET 24 hours >>> YES
GAME:24 hours passed
PLAYER:This is…… BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q_Q

Do you need to rest/wait more than a day without interruptions?

NOW YOU CAN!!!! with “No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu”

Thanks to my mod can rest/wait without interruptions up to 31 days (744 hours)

INSTALLATION ===================================================================================================================================
Simply estract the file “sleepwaitmenu.swf” into your Skyrim/Data/Interface folder.
If the “Interface” folder does not exist… create it

UNINSTALLATION ================================================================================================================================
Simply delete the file “sleepwaitmenu.swf” into your Skyrim/Data/Interface folder

INCOMPATIBILITY ================================================================================================================================
Any mod that change the file “sleepwaitmenu.swf”

ISSUE ==========================================================================================================================================
no problem (tested by me)

NOTES & ADVICES ===============================================================================================================================
Rest/Wait for 31 days is equivalent to 12 minutes (real time).
If you want you can drastically reduce the waiting time following this procedure:
1) Open Console >> write TFC push Enter >> quit the console
2) Wait/Rest
3) Open Console >> write TFC push enter

Author: Humbro8282
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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