Nordic Ruins of Skyrim
A simple overhaul of the exteriors of some Nordic ruins
Nordic Ruins of Skyrim
Overhauls the exteriors of Forelhost, High Gate Ruins, Korvanjund, Labyrinthian, Ragnvald, Rannveig’s Fast, Saarthal, Valthume and Volskygge.
This is an exterior overhaul of some of ancient skyrim’s greatest structures. I absolutely loved the exterior design of Bleak Falls Barrow. The first time I got there I was amazed and excited to see what other great Nordic Ruins Skyrim had in store. Sadly there were barely any other ruins that had impressive exteriors and even fewer that could match that of Bleak Falls Barrow. The only ruin exterior that would wow me more than Bleak Falls Barrow were Labyrinthian and Skuldafn.
With this mod I hope to give the other ruins the epic exteriors they deserve. This is an aesthetics mod only so it doesn’t add any loot or enemies. This mod’s focus is large scale only so you won’t find any added clutter.
I HIGHLY recommend using a LOD generator such as xLODGen of DynDOLOD or else you won’t be able to see the exteriors from far away!
Interiors of the dungeons remain unchanged.